Chapter 18 - Get Me Out Of My Mind

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I was at my locker when it happened. My phone buzzed with a new text from Rita, or, as I can now call him, Naleb, and I looked at it. I turned around, checking who was on their phone.

Then a nerdy guy, who I think is called Matt, looked up at me from his phone and winked.

I swear, this whole Rita thing is driving me insane. Really, really, seriously insane. How can it be? It's got to be him. I wrote back, and Rita answered immediately. I swear the guy was even typing at the time I received the answer.

"All good?" Jean asks me from my side, Caitlyn trailing along next to him and giving me death glares. I glance at her, then back at Jean, and nod to the end of the corridor.

"We can talk later." I mutter, turning back to my locker. I don't want to get into trouble with Luke and the others just because of his bratty, retarded sister.

He shrugs, giving me a small smile before heading off with Caitlyn. She leans up and whispers something in his ear, but he shakes his head. I wonder if she talks about me. I wonder what she's said to him about me. I wonder how long it'll be until Jean hates me like the rest.

"I see you've given up." I glance to my side, seeing Luke. Ugh. I don't need this right now. It's bad enough knowing for myself that Jean's dating Caitlyn.

"That's none of your business. I was never chasing anything, so there's nothing to give up on." I smirk a little. "Maybe you should learn how to speak at least one language."

"It's perfectly my business." He says, aiming an idle kick towards my shin. I step out of the way. "That's my sister we're talking about, Zerd."

This is weird, but he's been talking to me for almost a minute now, and he still hasn't said anything too nasty or tried to beat me up. Is something changing? Is he- OH MY GOSH. NO.

I gasp, grabbing at my bag and almost running down the corridor.

"She's on something." I hear someone mutter as I run past them. I dart through the first door I pass, and it turns out to be the girls' restroom. I drag myself into one of the cubicle and lock the door, sitting on the toilet cover.

I take out my phone, opening my contacts, looking at the large Rita suspiciously and tiredly. Who is it? Is Luke in on this? If he's in on it, then it's got to be a prank. He'd never do anything like this. Would he?


After managing to avoid the Three and Nate (I really should call them the Four) for the whole morning, and being bluntly ignored by them, even Seth in History, I'm wondering what the hell is going on.

They're all in on it, I guess. It's not that they're being nice... But that's almost what it feels like. These people have never ignored me. They've always been after me in some way or another.

By the time I wonder if they're avoiding me because they're planning something big, I'm too drowsy to think of anything.


Someone shakes my shoulder.

"Zoe?!" Someone says with a French accent. "Zoe, get up."

"What happened!" I exclaim, sitting up and looking around.

"You were asleep." Jean answers. "Chemistry."

"No." I moan. "No, no, no."

"What happened?" He asks. "Are you really tired or something?"

"It was probably a prank." I mutter. "They've ignored me all morning. I should have seen it coming."

"I'm sorry." He murmurs. "You okay, though?"

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