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Honestly, I love both Percy Jackson and Harry Potter so when I saw 'Why Harry Potter Is Better Than Percy Jackson' I assumed it would be a thrilling book giving me genuine reasons why Percy Jackson is inferior to Harry Potter, but instead, the author, whose name I shall not deign to mention, showed her overwhelming ignorance, -and I am almost tempted to say stupidity- about the Percy Jackson series. She has therefore committed the crime of insulting one of my dearest book series while being of little or perhaps no intelligence so I thought I could point out the author's intense stupidity by writing this book.

This book is not an attack on Potterheads but merely a defense of the Percy Jackson fandom.

(P.S. If you decide to inform the author in question of this book, weeeell what happens then is out of my hands...)

Oh and if you were enraged by the antecedent author's book and have got something to add, feel free to comment!

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