Don't do this!!!

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Jin's POV

I open my eyes.I'm in a control pod.I been tied up.At my feet there's a big snake.It still asleep."My grandson.Its nice to meet you again.I had a special gift.This snake will do something to you."I look at the snake.The snake had awake.It crawl at me and go into my clothes.I felt that it went into my pants.Then I shock and yell.It bite my groin.I feel its venom in it.I breath heavily.After a minute,the snake crawl away.I tried to call someone outside the pod but no one come.I cried silently.I'm gonna die in here if the venom went through my body.Then I heard someone calling my name from outside the pod.It was Yuuya."Jin-kun!!Jin-kun!!!Wake up!!!"

I heard some yelling from outside.I get up and bang the pod open.It open and I fell down.I untied myself and get up.I saw Hiro and Yuuya been tied up.They both hurt.I went up at them slowly.My groin so hurt.I fall in front of Yuuya."Jin-kun...Are you okay?!!"Said Yuuya.I crawl at him."N-No.My groin been bit by a big snake in the pod.Its so hurt.I don't know much longer I can hold."Yuuya bite my hair and realise it."Come over here.Untied us and I help you out"I nod and untied them.Then suddenly someone pull me back and throw me to the wall.Grandpa."Who make you alive?"I ask him.He slowly step on my groin.I yell and tried to push his feet away but I can't.I scream louder then before.Yuuya ran up at Grandpa.He push him away.He scoop me up and said"Let's get out of here!"

The three of us ran out from there.We saw Dr.Yamano and the others.Dr.Oozora hug Hiro.She glad that his son still alive."Oh dear his face so pale"Said Ran.I breath heavily then before."His groin been bit by a snake in the control pod."Said Yuuya.I look at him.I cough and catching my breath."Get him to the van.We take him to the hospital near by."

Yuuya laid me dow. And my head is on his lap.I don't know many hours I be like this."Hurry!!He's face is very pale!!"

Yuuya's POV

His face as white as snow.He is sweating and tried to hold his pain."Jin-kun,we're almost there.Hold on!"I said.Jin look up at me.He only make a small smile at his lips."O-o-okay Y-Yuuya"

At the hospital,Jin is in the emergency room.Me and the others were wait outside.I thought that his grandfather is died.How he came back to live?Then a doctor come out from the emergency room."How is he doctor?"I ask.The doctor put his hand on my shoulder."He's fine.He's awake.We have get out the venom from his groin.If you guys want to see him,only one person can go in"

"You should go Yuuya-san."Said Jessica.I nod and went into the room.I saw Jin laying on the bed.He look at me.He smile."Yuuya."I tear up.I ran up at him and hug him.I cried in his chest.He hug me."Don't cry Yuuya-san"I look up at him.He wipe my tears away."I'm glad that you okay Jin-kun"He nod."I'm glad you okay to my boy..."

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