Went to Nics

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Hiro's POV

I was walking along the street with Jin,Yuuya,Ran,Jessica and Asuka.Ran was holding my hand when we walk.Yuuya and Jin went into a shop while the rest of us were eating ice cream."Its hot making this ice cream even more delicious."Said Ran.I smiled."Yup your right."I was sitting beside her."Hey guys we're back"Said Yuuya.Well today,Jin's look different.He wear just like Yuuya's but he wore jean.

"I wanna ask you Jin,why you wear like Yuuya?"Ask Asuka.Jin and Yuuya look at each other then look at us."Well I'm the one make him wear like this.I wanna make him just like my brother."Said Yuuya and Jin blush."Actually Jin look adorable"I said."Shut up Hiro-san!!"Said Jin madly.I gulped.Yuuya hold Jin's hand and walk to a bench near us.They both so adorable."Hiro-san,if we both alone.I wanna said something to you."Said Ran and blush.I look at her."Why?You can said now?"Ran look away."Its privacy."

I look at Yuuya and Jin.Yuuya was giving Jin liking his ice cream.I'm happy to see them together.Ban tortured them so bad but they fought through it."Wants some more Jin-kun?"Asked Yuuya.He shook his head.Yuuya continued eating the ice cream until finished.

"Guys!Let's go to my dad's office.We can play games there"Said Jessica.We all agree with her.We went to Mr.Kaios office."Its been awhile we haven't been in here."Said Jin.I nodded."Yup.Its quite awhile."We went to the meeting room.We were thinking what game should we play."Let's play True or Dare game."Said Yuuya and I shook my head.I don't want to cause I hate it"

Everyone look at me."C'mon Hiro-san.Its a fun game.You need to play with us.We all agree"Said Jin.I sign and nodded.I hate this game but I just play it.I hope they don't gave so much trouble at me.

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