Chapter Eight

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*Bo's POV*

There was a knock at the door. I peeked out the window, half relieved to see Cordy, but also fully horrified.

"Door's open." I shouted, scurrying back to Johnny, who was sitting in the kitchen.

"It's Cordy. Act casual."

"Hey guys."

"Hey Cordy." Johnny greeted her with a smile.

"Guys, where's Two-Bit?" She leaned against the doorframe.

With a split second decision, I shouted out, "Bye Johnnycake, I love you!"

I sprinted out the door, hoping Johnny would find his way out.

*Cordy's POV*

"Hey Johnnyboy...

He fidgeted in his chair.

"Where's Two-Bit?" I asked again.

"Um ... I, uh ... I-I don't know." He mumbled.

"Johnny, tell me what happened." I pulled out my switchblade.

"Woah! Woah.... Can I have the switchblade first?" He asked nervously.

"Are you gonna tell me what happened?"

"I will, I promise. Just give me the blade." He slowly reached out and took the blade from my hand.

"Um ... Darry-kinda-sorta-stabbed-Dally." He blurted out.

"What?" I was sure whether I was surprised or beyond pissed. Maybe both.

"Well, after they ran out after him, they came back. Well, Ponyboy came back, grumbling about something. Then a half an hour later, Bo runs into the house, crying for Two-Bit. She told them that Darry had stabbed Dally, so then they argued. They took sides. Steve, her, and I are all defending Dally. Ponyboy and the rest of them -including Two-Bit - are defending Darry. He said some stuff that Bo didn't take too kindly too. She let me stay here, but she kicked him out. So ... that's why Two isn't here."

"So ... Dally is ... in the hospital?"

He nodded, a sad look on his face. I got up before sprinting out of the house and to the hospital at full speed.

"I need to see Dallas Winston." I panted to the nurse once I could talk again.

"Are you family?" She questioned impatiently.

"Maybe not family, but I'm the greatest good he's ever gonna get." I responded.

She sighed reluctantly, "He's in room 148."

"Thank you!" I called over my shoulder as I quickly made my way to the room.

I heard the sound of Dally's rough voice before I even entered the room.

"Get out of here. You're just - you're making me sick to my stomach."

An old nurse exited the room, rolling her eyes.

I sighed nervously before barging into the room. A shirtless Dally was laying in the bed, eyes wide in surprise.

"I choose you." I said.

"What?" He looked up to me, confusion spread out over his face.

"Johnny told me what happened. It made me realize that ... Well I g-guess that.. Um I - I just...Choose you " whispered, nervously.

"Hey Cordy." He whispered.

"Yeah?" I glanced up.

He pressed his lips to mine, shockingly gentle . I felt sparks in my stomach as a fire ignited inside of me.

In that moment, I realized that he was absolutely perfect. He was all I needed.

I carefully took a spot in the hospital bed and curled up to him. I hugged my arms around his bare torso, careful of the wound that was currently patched up on his stomach. I tangled my legs with his as we laid there together in silence. I just listened to his heart beat.


*Bo's POV*

"Johnnycake? Are you still here?" I asked, peeking my head around the corner.

"I'm fine. But Cordy found out."

"Yeah, I figured. I ran to the hospital to warn Dal before hauling ass back here." I sat on the chair next to him.

"Are you idiots home?" A voice echoed from the door.

"I told you not to come back." I growled, not bothering to get out of my seat.

"It's not your brother."

I twirled around to see Steve walking in with a bag from Dairy Queen.

"Food?" Johnny perked up.

"I figured you two ain't eating right, so ... why not?" He set down the bag on the table and patted each of our heads.

"Thanks Stevish." I hugged his side.

"Yeah, no problem."

"Hey, Steve?" I looked over to him before digging into my barbeque sandwich.

"Yeah Bo?" He eyed me doubtfully.

"Have you seen any of the boys?"

"No, I haven't." He sighed. I took a bite of my food.

"You mean you haven't talked to Soda since a couple of nights ago?" I choked.

"Look who's talking. I mean, the exact night before, you and Ponyboy fell asleep together. Now you're against each other." He scoffed at me.

"Oh, shut up." Johnny shoved him for me.

"Cordy picked Dally." I took another three bites of my food.

"That's ... that's good, I guess. Hey ... guys, I gotta tell you something." Steve let out a heavy breath.

"What's wrong?" Johnny asked, seeing as Steve's face dropped.

"Guys ... Dally, ... his heart stopped, he stopped breathing."

"What?" Johnny stumbled.

I gasped, feeling panic start to rise.

"No, no! He's okay now, they took care of it!" He blurted out.

"Way to almost kill us!" I scolded.

"Next time, start with that." Johnny mumbled.

Steve was about to say something, but he stopped at the shuffling of feet. It left the doorway and departed into the street. I stood so fast that the chair toppled backward. Steve and Johnnycake followed me as I ran to the doorway.

I spotted Two-Bit running out to the Curtis house. He was probably staying there. I beckoned to the boys as I sprinted after him, dodging cars driving through the middle of the street. We seemed to be doing that a lot lately. We chased him until he ran into the Curtis house. I skidded to a stop in the doorway. Johnny was standing at my side when Darry came into view from the kitchen, a menacing look on his face. Sodapop stood next to him, sending me the same look as before. I took a step back. Steve caught up to us and shoved his way in front of us.

"I know what happened. I know that she chose Dally." The eldest Curtis brother took a step forward and jabbed Steve's chest with his finger.

He did it hard enough for Steve to stumble back. Our hands were at his back instantly, ready to catch him if he had fallen. I met eyes with Ponyboy. I glared him down, which was easier than I expected. He looked away, seeming unsure of what to do.

"Tell your little leader that when he gets better, we're having a rumble. Now scram." Darry growled, pointing off to the distance.

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