It pained Mia to see David put in such situations. He had a life, friends and a family that longs for him but he was still too loyal to let her go on her own. The guilt ate her up every night.

"How is he?" Mia asked.

"He had a fight with dad." David replied.

"I miss them." Mia said.

"Yeah, me too." David spoke as he covered his face with his hands and leaned his head back on the cushion.

"C'mon, let's go do something fun. Enough with the sad endings." She said shoving the book in his chest and heading to the room.

He held the book and stared at it.

Romeo and Juliet. He snickered.


"This is doing something fun? We literally walked two miles to get low quality ice cream and disgusting frozen yoghurt." David whined.

"Your house is over there you lazy-ass." She pointed towards the alley as they walked.

"But yeah, the food is horrendous." She agreed moments later after she got the glare.

"Okay, no fun for you at all. Ever again. On my dead body." David exaggerated.

"You sure, mate? 'Cuz I can make that pretty soon." Said Harry in his deep voice and wearing his significant smirk.

He was strolling beside Mia and she flinched when he spoke. Caught off guard.

"Sorry love, did I scare you?" She's heard that question one too many times this week.

"You're not welcome here." David said.

"Oh please, don't be so double-faced." Harry said and David glared at him.

"Fine, I'll wait for you at your house." Harry continued.

"You're not welcome there......too." David continued in a monotone as Harry had already teleported.

"I hate your new boyfriend." David rolled his eyes.

"They'll fall off if you keep rolling them; see, perfect eye disease." She said gesturing towards his eyes.

"Oh yeah? I'll glue them back." He responded.

"Ew! You can't even imagine the graphics in my head right now!" She grimaced and David laughed.

"Can we go to the cinema, now? Or the park?" He suggested.

"Pfffft, Park? Who are you and what have you done to David? All that cuz you don't wanna see Harry?"

"Damn right."

"Why are you running from him?" She asked in an exasperated tone.

"Excuse me, I hate being a third wheel here."

"Could your brain please comprehend the fact that he's not my boyfriend?" She asked with an eye roll.

"Permanent eye disease."

"Yeah, well Boohoo we're here."

She was right, they were stepping in the building's entrance.

David sighed and they took the elevator and ascended to his flat.

As he twisted the key in the knob, voices were heard. One was Harry, no doubts.

But the other......

"Scott?" David asked as he walked into the kitchen where the chattering was.

Indeed, Scott McCall and Harry were leaning on the counter and talking in whispers.

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