Chapter 8

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I didn't sleep at all that night. I stayed awake, hoping and praying that I would hear the front door open and Harry would have come back. He never did though. I knew that he wouldn't be accepting of me, that much was obvious, but I thought he'd welcome the girls into his life a bit more. He'd always wanted to be a father, his behaviour towards Lux when she was young showed me that, but I guess that he'd changed over seven years.

I was now down in the kitchen, staring out of the window, a hoody pulled tightly around my body. The sleeves were too long for me and were encasing my hands as I held on tightly to a cup of coffee. Anne and Robin were both eating their breakfast in silence and the girls were still in bed.

"As soon as the girls wake up and they've had breakfast, we'll be out of your hair," I said quietly, turning around and pushing myself up so I was sat on the kitchen counter. "It was a mistake coming here in the first place, I should have known he'd react like that."

"Give him a bit of credit Liss," mumbled Robin, halfway through a mouthful of toast. Anne slapped him on the arm so he finished before continuing. "He's just seen you after seven years which is a shock in itself, but then he finds out he's got twin daughters! It'd be a lot for anyone to handle."

"I know...I'm just glad the girls were asleep so they didn't see how angry he was...I keep seeing the look on his face..."

"He has every right to be angry," muttered Anne.

"I'm not saying he doesn't," I snapped. "But those little girls are completely oblivious to the fact that their own father doesn't want them."

Anne opened her mouth to speak but was interrupted by Maddie and Ellie walking into the room. They both looked tired and irritable and they sat down at the table in silence.

"Well good morning my little rays of sunshine," I chuckled, jumping off of the counter and kissing both their heads. "What do you want for breakfast."

"Um, what is there?" asked Ellie shyly, directing her question at Anne.

"We have Coco Pops, Weetabix...toast..." she listed, looking in her cupboards.

I don't think the twins even listened to her after she'd said Coco Pops as they both asked for that and tucked in hungrily as soon as they'd been given their bowls. Now it was time to tell them that we were about to go home. They'd both be moody about it as I'd told them they'd be seeing Harry. I groaned quietly and then sat down opposite them in the chair that Anne had vacated.

"Listen you two...when you've finished your breakfast, you need to get your jackets from the lounge and then we're going to go home."

Maddie dropped her spoon and Ellie looked at me in horror.

"But you said we were going to meet Daddy!" shouted Maddie, crossing her arms. "You lied!"

"I didn't lie Maddie, I said maybe in the first place, that's not lying."

"It is!"

"Maddie, don't talk to your mother like that," soothed Anne. "She didn't lie to you, but things have changed and I don't think you'll be able to see Daddy this time...but next time you come up and visit me, maybe you can."

"Next time?" I asked, forgetting the girls sat in front of me.

"Absolutely. You know who might be in a foul mood, but I'm not and I want to see my grandchildren."

I smiled and nodded.

"But why can't we see him this time?" asked Ellie quietly, looking as if she was about to cry.

"He's busy baby," I whispered. "He really wants to see you but he can't get away from work."

Anne glared at me but decided it was best not to say anything. I bit my lip as Ellie nodded and slowly began eating again. I left the room and went upstairs, picking my bag up from beside the bed. I sat down on it and blew a shaky breath out between my lips. I didn't know what to do anymore.

Lessons Learned (Sequel to Love At War) Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now