Magical: The Sequel (Niam Horayne AU)

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That gave him more strength, enough to throw another ball of water at his perusers, but something hit him in the back of his leg. A dart. 

His vision started going all blurry as he fell. The last thing he saw, was three men’s faces, grinning at each other, then? Darkness. 


When May-Eve heard the alarm, she was already up and moving about. Upon hearing the alarm, she dropped her tea, grabbing only a thin coat and shoes before running out to the halls. She could see Lee and Owen, running to their own hiding spots. Everyone had different places to be. The plan was split up and spread out before heading to the next meeting spot. 

She caught Lee’s eye, for a moment, then ran. 

She maybe got five feet before a strong pair of arms caught her. “My, my. Look at my little prize.” A somewhat familiar voice said, stroking her cheek softly. “You always were more… Interesting than Lee.” 

Miles. Lee’s ex boyfriend. “What do you want?” May spat out, struggling in his arms to try and free her own. She couldn’t do much without them. 

“Oh, I want lots of things but on the top of that list?” He whispered, “You.” 

May let out a disgusted noise and tried elbow him, but that didn’t work. His grip was too strong. “You disgusting asshole!”

Miles let out a laugh, but it was cold, evil and bitter. “Oh, I want more than you, May, like riches.”

“I hope you die.” May growled out, before Miles stuck something- a syringe- in her neck. 

“Oh, sweetheart…” Was all Miles got in before she blacked out. 


Unlike most people, Zayn heard the people braking in before he heard the alarm. But that was all he needed for reassurance that, yes, the government had found them. 

“Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck.” Zayn muttered, running through the halls at an abnormal speed. Since sedatives didn’t work on vampires, and they were extremely hard to catch, it was their job to try and distract for a bit, before running themselves. 

Zayn saw Harry, not even 5 minutes after the bell rang, already with 10 people in his tail. Immediately, he begun to work, tripping and knocking out the people as best as he could, but they kept coming, kept chasing Harry and trying to grab Zayn. One even caught him, before Zayn snapped his neck, not even thinking that he was killing someone, a living person who might have a wife, kids. Family. 

Zayn shook it off. They had attacked him and his school, his home. Zayn had a right to protect it. 

When he caught a glimpse of Harry, he could only see him running, no one following him. Zayn took that as his time to go. There weren’t many people left at the school, mostly vampires, who were already fleeing. If anyone else was left in the school, they were probably knocked out and being loaded into government cars. It would be useless to try and get them back. They’d need to figure out a plan, at the meeting point to try and get everyone back and safe. 

As much as it killed him to run away from his home, Zayn had to. He broke out into a run, using all of his energy to get as far away as possible. 

To safety. 


Louis knew that if the alarm came on, he was supposed to turn into a bird and fly off. But… Knowing that Harry might be in trouble? All thoughts of leaving him left when the alarm rang. “Harry!” Louis said, shaking him. 

“That’s…” Harry said, waking up, hearing the alarm. Louis nodded. 

“I know. We have to go.” Louis said, pulling him up. 

Harry gave him a kiss, before pushing him towards the window. “You know what to do. I love you.” 

Louis shook his head. “I’m not leaving with out you.”He said firmly. And it was true.

Harry gave him a pleading look. “Please… I can take care of myself… It’ll be easier on me knowing you’re safe.”

“I’m safe with you.” Louis said softly, looking at him. 

Harry shook his head. “You’re safer away from here. Please… Louis…” He continued looking at Louis pleadingly for a few seconds, until the other one broke. 

“Fine… Just… Please be safe Harry.” Louis pleaded, kissing him one last time before opening the window, turning into a eagle and flying off. 


Harry was running through the halls, he could see flashes of Zayn, trying to get ride of the people following him, but it was no use. They’d seen how strong and capable Harry was, and there were at least 10 people chasing him through the halls now. 

But Harry was at the advantage. He knew the halls better than anyone, and he hoped that he was smart enough to lose the people following him. 

He didn’t have to hope long to lose them, but, honestly? He would’ve glad taken the ten people following him than what happened. 

A very familiar eagle came in, clawing at the government people. “No, Louis!” Harry couldn’t help but yell, wanting his mate to run, hide, anything but do what he was doing right now. 

Louis looked over to Harry, but getting distracted cost him. Someone stuck a syringe in him, the eagle’s body falling the short distance, and turning into a boy. Louis. 

All Harry could see was red. Someone had hurt his mate, his Louis. 

Letting the partial shift take over, and losing control to his wolf wasn’t something Harry would want to do normal, but he’d lost it. Someone had hurt Louis. He couldn’t stand for that. 

He began charging at them, knocking them away, one by one. 

“Stop…” Louis said, slipping in and out of consciousness. “Haz… Go… Run… I’ll be… Fine… Promise… I… Love you… So much.” 

Harry wanted to continue to get to Louis, help him. What he was supposed to do, as a mate. But… He couldn’t ignore Louis’ wishes, even these ones. 

“I’ll find you. Always.” He said, wolf slipping through his voice. “I love you.” 

With one last longing look, Harry turned and ran. He was ashamed that he couldn’t help his mate, but Harry also knew that he couldn’t do anything, not if he was captured too. He’d have to wait, and break in to save Louis. Even if it killed him. 

 Author's Note pt2: So? Worth the wait? Tell me in zee comments! I read every single one and always do my best to reply!

Magical: The Sequel (Niam Horayne AU)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ