Magical: The Sequel (Niam Horayne AU)

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Author's Note: Here it is! The awaited sequel to Magical! Obviously I'm a creative genius with this one's title "Magical: The Sequel" Don't doubt abilities bro. Anyways, dedicated to AlyssaHoran_ because she messaged me at, like, midnight last night saying 'guess what day it is?' and that I should post this XD Good on you! Also, shout-out to Fablouis_Tomlinson for the sweetest thing ever! She said, and I quote 'big fan of your work' Ah. Ok, I fangirled. Massively. Anyways, the chapter's really short and kind of crappy, but it was the best I could do :/ hopefully the next one will be longer! 

And, without further ado, here is... Magical: The Sequel

Lucy xox

-Third Person-

The warning alarm. Something that everyone in the building feared. It was something that… It warned everyone that the government had found the school, and that they were to run. Leave everything, and run. 

Niall and Liam shared a look of terror, before scrambling out of bed and grabbing their clothes. “You’ll go to the lake, right?” Liam asked, pulling on his pants quickly. 

Niall nodded. “There’s a dome that can go over the city, I’ll be fine, what about-” 

“The forest. I’ll run until I’m safe enough to put up some wards around myself.” Liam said, before kissing Niall quickly. “Be safe.” 

Niall nodded, looking into his eyes. “You too. I’ll see you at rendezvous point in three days.” 

Everyone- students and teachers- knew of the rendezvous point. If the humans were to ever find the school- which they did- there was a spot, away from the school, big enough to hold everyone and far away enough that they wouldn’t have to be too worried about people finding them. No more than usual. 

Niall and Liam kissed quickly one more time, before running out into the already chaotic halls.  

They ran together outside, hands clutched tightly, before they had to separate. They could see government people running, guns in hands. Niall had already seen a couple of his classmates drop. “I love you.” Niall said to Liam, letting go at the last second. 

Liam said something back, but Niall didn’t hear it over the screaming and shouting. He ran to the lake, where government men were dressed in scuba things. He wanted nothing more than to knock them out, give them a taste of their own medicine.

 Instead, he settled for punching one of the guys in the face, and jumping into the water.

 There were shouts from above him, and then 3 more people jumped in after Niall. He checked over his shoulder, they were much slower than him, but still gaining pretty fast. He faced back forward, to see the dome was already beginning to close over the city. He sped up, but something hit in his tail, making him look back. A dart. Niall did his best to shake off the sedative, and try and make into the dome. He blacked out before he could tell if he made it or not. 


All Liam could do was push himself hard, make himself run faster, and throw more spells at the 3 people chasing him. 

After he last saw Niall, and changed his direction to the woods, 3 people noticed him and took after him. They were gaining quickly, and Liam couldn’t keep this up. He needed back-up of some sorts. 

Liam threw another ball of water at them, and he could feel his energy drain a little more. Keep going, Liam thought to himself, Niall… Think of Niall. 

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