An unwelcome into the world

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Third person pov 
In New Jersey on March 9, 1994 a child was born ... a newborn baby boy named Jerome Robert Aceti was laying in his mothers arms snuggled up in a soft blue blanket peacefully sleeping. The father was looking over them smiling
" he's so peaceful " 
" yes he is ... our little Jerome " the mother said and kissed his head. Everything was perfect for that moment and seemed to be a normal family but that changed once the doctor came in
" hello there how's the little one doing "
" he's sleeping "
" well that's good but I have some news about him "
" what do you mean by that?"
" well the thing is he's special "
" wait does he have some mental problem or something ?" The mother said worried 
" no if fact he should never be sick or hurt ever again ... he seems to be a mutant that can heal from anything "
" oh ... I see " 
" this is a really good mutation so you don't need to pay for medication for him " he said with a grin
" yes ... thank you " they said with fake smiles 
" alright you are free to go you just need to sigh out" he said then walked out of the room and both there smiles dropped and looked down at Jerome ... not with the same loving look from before but with discuss and no longer have Jerome the loving and protective hold he felt just moments ago.

The check out and car ride was quite only the sound of Jerome squirming in his car seat was heard. Once home the mother picked her Jerome up from his seat and held him lightly as they took him to the house. Once the door was closed that is when the tension snapped
" This is your fault he's this way " said the mother and the father grit his teeth 
" you where the one that birthed him not me woman!" He yelled back.
" actually the mutant gene gets passed on by the male parent so your the reason he's a damn mutant!" She said and threw Jerome at his which he just stepped out of the way and poor baby Jerome hit the hard floor head first. The pain shot up his small spine and he felt a crack in his head and he let out a cry of pain. His cry's where downed but the parents yells and soon they left the room both angry at each other but mostly at there child who was unable to do anything alone on the floor but wail till his body couldn't no more and sleep took over as he finally laid peacefully in the warm ooze of his blood and the soft blanket he was wrapped in. Now he may have the ability to heal from anything but being as he is so young his mind would have great scars for the day he was unwelcome in his own home.
As Jerome grew up the problem became apparent for the time he had his first babysitter and a few months of age. He always clung to them in some way if he wasn't on the ground and didn't let got and cried once he was handed back to his parents, also his learning ability's where not what they should be, he did learn to walk and was potty trained but it took a few years before he could talk, he could barely talk just as he entered preschool, and that was only the beginning, he also didn't read or write or even count as the other kids do ... he was trying his best even harder then any of the kids in class but still he was always 5 steps behind. The only class he was good at was art and gym, both didn't need the mental power he didn't have and he was a bit more of a beefy kid even if he didn't eat much at home. The teachers did take concern to him and tested his brain power to find he has a learning disability that was very severe and even more concerning seeing that he wasn't diagnosed at birth since he was tested right away. Either way he was giving many different things to help him out with teachers keeping him inside for every second recess to help him catch up and by the end of preschool he was just below the rest of the class and could move on. But still thing in his life will only get harder as he goes on, and his parent are the purpose of all his present and future struggles

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