Chapter 9 - When In Rome . . . DON'T Do As The Romans Do

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Sorry about not updating but I guess this extra long chapter is worth it right? Right? Guys? NOOOO!! DONT KILL ME!! SOMEBODY SAVE ME PLEASE!! Anyway, chapter. Here. Read.


I long for a day when men turn away from invisible monsters and once more embrace a more rational view of the world. But these new religions are so convenient - and promise such terrible punishment should on reject them - I worry that fear shall keep us stuck to what is surely the greatest lie ever told.
- Altaïr Ibn La'Ahad


Seeing as the Assassins needed time away from the stress of working with bratty, uncooperative teenagers, I left them to do whatever they wanted while Evie and I attended the meeting. I only brought Evie along because aside from Haytham who wanted to spend time with his family, she was the least hot-headed of the group. Honestly, these meetings are enough to send someone driving their head against a wall. They're going to the death of me. They didn't even pretend to be professional. Everyone was doing whatever they wanted and Chiron wasn't doing anything, knowing that it would be fruitless. Only the Romans were being the slightest bit professional because they were discussing matters of New Rome.

My eyebrow twitched. "SILENCE!!" I roared. Instantly a hush fell over the room. "Act like the leaders you are and not immature children." I hissed. "You can call me when you have to decided to act according to your positions." I walked out as swiftly as I entered.

"Wait!" Conner and Travis ran out after me.

"If you come back..." Conner started.

"We promise to act more mature." Travis finished. They looked at me with seal pup eyes. How could I resist that? I sighed.

"Fine, just be more mature, okay?" I relented. They nodded vigorously. The two's actions brought a smile onto my face. I laughed as they pulled me into the meeting room. I hissed in pain. They gripping my forearms too tight. They looked at me in concern but I brushed them off and listened to the last bit of Annabitch's ideas on how to protect Camp. I let her get to the end of the presentation before dropping the bombshell. "It won't work." I stated blandly.

"What do you mean it won't work?! It's a perfect plans and coves all of our weaknesses!" Annabitch shrieked.

"That's the thing." I replied. "You're thinking like a demigod, not a Templar. A demigod who thinks they know everything in life. That sort of mentality will get you and your siblings killed in this war."

"I was the main defence strategist in the past two wars. I have perfected the Defense of this camp over the years of war. The. Plan. Is. Fine." She glared at me.

I laughed. "You should listen to yourself Miss Chase. You have nothing on the Templars. Nothing. We have been engaged in a secret war with them for centuries. They have been around for a long, long time. Plenty of time to devise various strategies to shear through any defence. No, we need a new game plan."

Her glare only intensified. "Is that what this is to you? A game? You tell us to act like adults yet blithely treat this entire war as nothing more than a game!"

"This is not a game to me." My voice grew soft, dangerous. "You simply refuse advice from me, when I have been fighting Templars for 10 years now, or the other Assassins when they have fought them their entire lives, and some of them even used to be deeply rooted Templars who know the ways of their Order, simply because of your foolish pride!" I stood up. My voice had been growing steadily louder as I said this. "Perhaps when your fellow demigods lie dead on the battlefield you will realise just how fatal your flaw is." I walk out then paused in the doorway. "Oh, Travis, Conner? Come to our cabin after dinner please."

I got out of there. Fast. Man, I was the doorway getting familiar. I dunno why Evie stayed behind, although judging by the shouts and blunt smacking sounds, I didn't want to know. Ugh. I need relief, training, but the campers were so sub-par I don't how I ever thought them good. Che, I guess climbing stuff will have to do. Now, what to climb? Ohh, Elise and Arno were making out on the Athena cabin! I'll go train *cough* sneak up and scare *cough* them.

~10 minutes later~

Gods, this is harder than I thought it would be. Too many ADHD campers. Grr. They're like guards but I can't kill them. Dam. Sigh. Direct approach it is. I slipped behind the cabins praying to anyone that I wouldn't find a couple, uhh, going extreme back there, and sneaked up behind the Athena cabin. I took a moment to prepare myself then wall ran, caught the edge and slipped over it. 5 seconds. Total stealth. I padded light on my feet up to the snogging couple, masking my sounds whenever they kissed. They were too busy making out to pay too much attention to their surroundings. Let this be their lesson. "RAAAR!!" I roared and clamped my hands down on they're shoulders. They shrieked at being caught out and the sudden 'attack'. Point 1 to 'Crowley'.

"Are you okay?" Someone asked. I started laughing so bad. This was priceless. They thought we were being attacked and were stuck on the roof.

"We're good." I called down and promptly jumped off, rolling to absorb the shock. Elise and Arno followed my lead. "See ya!" I cackled and ran off, leaving the confused couple to explain everything. I sprinted inside our cabin and giggled when I imagined their betrayed faces.

"You do realise that Elise is going to kill you when she sees you next, right?" Evie's amused voice said from behind me. Gulp. I had totally forgotten about that. I guess I'll have to hole up here until dinner...

Word count: 920. Published: 5:09 EST. 14, December, 2015

Assassino (ORIGINAL)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें