Chapter 4 - Interruptions and Revelations

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Sorry for the (slightly) long wait guys! I simply prefer writing on paper, so I have to re-type the chapters once I've finished writing it down. Enjoy!
"They remind us that we all have choice. To stand, not kneel. To repose, not obey. To live, not just exist."
- Assassin's Creed: Identity


Knock, knock. There was a banging at the door. I sighed. For christ's sake, isn't there any time for one person to see the place they're going to be staying in for the next few months?! And yes, I said months. The rest of the Assassins looked just as peeved. I whirled around and slammed the door open, snarling, the assassins following suit. A daughter of Nike was standing in the doorway, looking downright terrified.

"Um, ah, Chiron, ah, asked me to, uhh, take you to the meeting room for, umm, an emergency meeting." She said stuttering. My face softened.

"Sorry for looking murderous. We don't want to kill you, really. It's just that we haven't even properly been inside our cabin yet." I said kindly. If anything she looked more scared. I sighed through my nose. "Look, we'll be down une attimo (one moment). Tell Chiron. I need to talk to my maestro (master)." She still looked confused. I rubbed my eyes. This really was harder than it seemed. Thankfully Ezio stepped in.

"He means we will be down in a moment. He needs to speak to his master, his leader."

The daughter of Nike nodded, now we were getting somewhere. "Thanks!" She said brightly and sped off.

"Okay, assassins," I said, turning around to address them and at the same time closing the door, "I lied. Now, you can't say anything out of place until we can have a proper talk about the 21st century. Leave me to do most of the talking until then. Ezio, you are the only one apart from Nico on the other side who can speak Italian, so if I have a relapse and accidentally slip into Italian, it's your job to translate. The rest of you, it's your job to look pretty. And dangerous if want to. I think that's it. Oh, you don't have to take anyone's shit. They insult you, you can retaliate in anyway. In fact, be my guest, do your worst." I added as an afterthought. They nodded. I took a deep breath. "Okay, let's go." I swung the door open again and we all marched out to the Big House.

The campers scattered as we passed, making the walk to the Big House easier than I thought it would be. We walked in and marched straight into the 'meeting room' which is actually the ping-pong table room where we-they, hold all their meetings. The head counselors were obviously expecting us and wanted to make a good impression, since instead of doing all the random merda (crap) they usually do, all eyes were trained on the doorway as we walked in and no one was pranking each other randomly. That or they understood the danger they were all in. I like to think that it's the first, though I hope it's the second, we might not make it through this war if we have negligent fighters.

"Okay. Why are we here?" I asked, despite the obvious answer: war, duh.

I was expecting Chiron to answer but instead Annabitc- sorry, Annabeth did. "You obviously don't we trust us, we just as much don't trust you. We need answers."

I stared at her in slight shock. "So you called together an emergency meeting, just for answers you will get eventually?! That's crazy." I said shaking my head sadly.

"I need answers now!" She all but shouted. "How are we supposed to work together when we don't know the slightest thing about each other."

"We know everything about you, but you don't need to know anything about us. I'll tell you one thing though, we're all Assassini (Assassins), singular: Assassino (Assassin)." I shot back glancing at Nico as I did so. I wouldn't be surprised to learn that he knew what it meant, after all, even assassins are not immortal. I was rewarded with a slight shifting in expression when he heard the last scentence. Annabeth still looked slightly confused. "Oh, surely the great daughter of wisdom can translate a single word." I taunted. I turned to Nico, "Perhaps the Italian can?" I mocked.

"Assassin." The word was spoken whisper quiet but everyone heard.

"Congratulations." I gave a mocking round of applause and a bow. No one moved. "That's right, we're all assassins. Perhaps you want to know why? Well you can all go screw yourselves." I walked out slamming the door after me. Even the assassins stood there shocked for a minute.

"Mi scusi (Excuse me)" Ezio murmured. He still had a slight Italian accent. He walked out of the room and sat next to me on the porch. "Calmati. Entrare dentro. (Calm down. Come inside.)"

I took his example of speaking Italian to shield our conversation from the demigods. "Non posso. Mi hanno tradito. (I can not. They betrayed me)" Ezio just looked at me in understanding. He stood up and offered his hand to me. "Venire. (Come)" I slowly took the proffered hand and we entered the meeting room once again.

Word count (no A/Ns): 833. Published: 8:39 EST on the 6th, December, 2015

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