Chapter 12 - Are Meetings Worse Or Battlefields?

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Okay soooooooo, haven't published in freaking forever. Ummmm, yeah. At first (during practically all of January) our internet had broken down, so, yeah. Afterwards, it was that I was too lazy. DON'T KILL ME PLEASE!!!!


"It's the unknown we fear when we look down upon death and darkness, nothing more."

- Albus Dumbledore (Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince)



And so several weeks passed in this fashion. Get up, morning jog, possible lunch, training, almost certainly dinner, free time, Campfire, or Capture-the-Flag (the Assassins won every game), bed. Over those weeks there quite a few small border skirmishes (almost one a week) but no large-scale attacks like the one on the Assassins' first day at Camp. The Campers (and Legionnaires, Camp Half-Blood couldn't be the only one to train after all.) quality improved under the tutelage of the Assassins. Many soon came to respect them as without their training and protection the camp would have long been overrun and they knew that.

Percy/Crowley POV

It's been 5 months now. Every time I wake up I expect the Neptune girl Veronica, the gun-slinger, at the Apollo girl Dannie to come charging in yelling about an invasion at the top of their lungs. It was incredibly nerve-wracking to wait day in, day out to be attacked. After all, we didn't know where they're base was, who was in charge how to get to them, and when they were going to attack. It was worse for use Assassins as we were far more used to at least doing something to help our brother and sisters, even if it was only something as trivial as blowing up a supply van instead of assassinating someone.

BANG! "Attack! Attack!" Veronica yelled as she burst into our cabin. Immediately everyone rushed for their weapons and was out the door within 5 minuets. We sprinted for the border. The Campers and Legionnaires, actually let's just call them demigods, must have been prepared as they were fighting valiantly. Alas, it was a loosing battle. Everyone instantly pitched in with the fighting, with us of the Brotherhood attack our sworn enemies, the Templars, and the demigods slaughtering theirs, the monsters. The tide (or tables, whichever you prefer) was turning to our side. But not fast enough. We would be overrun. The demigods were demoralised, the Assassins were being out numbered, and the gods refused to help. We need reinforcements. At the moment, only one would do. I flipped out my phone and called a number on speed dial that I'd hoped I would never have to use.


"It's me, Carter."


"It's me. Percy." Thank Chaos that none of the Romans heard that. They still don't know who I am, something I am very grateful about.

"Oh, you. What do you need?"


Instantly his voice turned sharp and serious. He knew I hated to call upon others for reinforcements, actually, for anything. "When and where?"

"Delphi Strawberry Service, Long Island South. ASAP."

"ETA 15."

"Good. Meet you here." with that I flicked the phone closed and resumed fighting.

"Reinforcements. Be here in 15!" the morale picked up and everyone started fighting fiercer. Although most of the demigods didn't understand what I'd meant, they could guess.

15 minuets was stretching our capabilities, we were vastly outnumbered and about a third of the demigods needed desperately to be protected. They were those who were to young to fight and those who were busy saving lives. Slowly backing up and allowing the monsters to gain ground, inch by hard inch, was the only option. As long as the Egyptians were able to arrive, we would be able to gain back that ground. We wouldn't be able to though if we were dead. By the end of the 15 minuets it was a slight miracle that we'd held on for as long as we did. The Egyptians arrived perfectly on time, catching the enemy off guard and annihilating them.

'Head Counselors!" I called. "Get your cabin sorted, send any and all injured to the infirmary and meet up in the pin-pong room!" A chorus of assents responded. I turned to the Egyptians. "Carter, Sadie, you two come with me. Sort out your people, I don't care where you put them, just don't get them killed or anything."

Carter nodded, "Okay."

"They can live in the, what was it? Assassin's Cabin? you're living in." Sadie decided.


Chaos? You'll need to expand the cabin for these guys.

Can do.

"Look for the one with this symbol on the door." I gave Sadie my Assassin medallion. "Hold this in the hand you use to open the door and show it to the others if you meet them, otherwise you'll end up in the infirmary like that other guy. He was stuck there for a week, even with nectar and ambrosia. You guys can crash on the couches while it's being expanded."

"Walt!" She shouted. "Did you hear that?"

A "Yup!" came from the back of the crowd. Sadie promptly gave the medallion to the boy who'd responded. "Nice. Now take care of the kids for me." She kissed him on the cheek and shoved him in the direction of the cabins, with the rag-tag group of children followed along. In turn, I lead the siblings into the 'war-room' and explained what happened. At the end of my explanation, Carter whistled.

"You have a messed up life, you know?"

"Thanks man, if you hadn't pointed that out I wouldn't have noticed." I said as dryly and sarcastically as possible.

I could see Sadie preparing to retort when the first counselor banged in. Then the rest streamed in. Everyone sat down quietly (apart from Carter and Sadie who didn't have chairs) and stared at me expectantly.

Let the torture begin.

Word count: 900. Published: 11:25 EST. 21, February, 2016.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2016 ⏰

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