Chapter 34: The sun village

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Fist of all, there's a little description about the characters in this story who aren't part of the Fairy Tail world.

~Natsu's P.O.V~

After (y/n) meet  with that young man named Weiss, she has not woken up yet and that makes us very worried. No matter how much we tried to wake her, that's useless; even Porlyusica was not able to find a way to help her.

"She will awake soon, so you don't need to worry about anything... She will only forgot (demon name) and at the same time, her curse will be sealed again..."

"The time she'll takes to wake up? ... Well, that depends on she ..."

Those words resounded on my mind again and again...Just how much time will take? Weeks has passed since then. Everyone was worried about her, all the guild was waiting impatient for her to open her eyes; after all, she's an important member for the guild. We don't care if she is from (guild name), she is our friend and we dont care about her past or anything or... that was in the start. Now, I want to know more about her and the reasons behind all her sadness... but even she can't remember anything.

I just want to stay by her side and take care of her but, since Fairy Tail returned to be the strongest guild in Fiore we got much work, so much that even we dont have time to take a break. After returned from a mission with Gray, the master ordered us to go to another one.

'Why again with Gray?' I complained in my mind as I saw how the expression in the old man face changed.

"You must go..." were his only words before we go to take some stuffs for your travel. But before we go, I visited (y/n) in the room where she was and like always, Gray came too.

"She hasn't woken yet..." Gray said. I only nodded and started to approach (y/n)'s side and took her out of the bed. "What are you doing?" Gray asked a little surprised.

"I'll take her with us... without her, the team wouldn't be complete..." I said while Gray seemed to agree with that.

~Time Skip~

"Can I ask why the hell you brought (y/n) with us in those conditions?" Erza asked a little annoyed with us. I knew very well that she was worried that something could happen to (y/n) while she were in that dream.

"Be... Because the team wouldn't be complete without her?" Gray answered a little scared of how Erza may react.

"Maybe you have the reason..." Were the only words Erza says before we arrive to Warrod's house, the perosn who made the request.

As one of the four strongest mages of the continent, I thought he was going to be a person who really looks like one, but instead of it, he ended up being an old tree-like man and both too prankster.It seems that he was not able to take it seriously, or that's what we thought until he saw (y/n).

"(y/n)?..." he murmured surprised and for a few seconds taking a serious attitude.

"You know her?..." I asked confused as he backed away slightly to return to water his plants.

"Yeah, she's a council member, didn't she?, She has a power out of this world, so much that even the council had offered her to be one of the ten Saint Wizards..."

"Eh?!!!!" All of us shouted in surprise. (y/n) is one of the ten saint wizards?

"Then she is one of the four Gods of Ishigal?" Lucy asked excited but Warrod only denied with his head.

"...No, she simply rejected the offer... (y/n) said that the tittle was useless for her..." Our faces were disheartened after that, but the words (y/n) said at that time were true. Just how useful is the title of the ten saint wizards? If everyone fears you and get away from you, you wouldn't be able find any information; but at the same time, if people crowded around you, it will only hinder your search.

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