Chapter 43 - Habit

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"This is the beating of my heart, princess. Feel it."

Indeed, I felt the fast beating in his hard, lean chest. I stared at his eyes and he stared at me as well.

Then, he said, " This is how my heart beats for you, princess. You make me feel nervous and jittery. You make me want to cuddle and kiss you all the time. You make me want to see you everyday. You always give me sleepless nights. You make me feel like I'm a teenager again."

I couldn't take my eyes off of him. Oh, the man was throwing me some cheesy lines. What should I do?

So, I teased him. "Really? Sounds like you have a serious anxiety problem. Better have it checked first, Nigel Joaquin. Don't act yet like you're in love," I said, pinching his chest.

"Ouch!" He jolted. "That's harsh."

I gave in a laugh because he just looked so adorable.

I was still laughing when he enclosed my body in his arms. "I love you, Althea. This isn't just any anxiety problem," he pronounced softly, kissing my forehead. "I really, really love you."

I closed my eyes. Whatever, Nigel Joaquin.

Still hugging me with his chin resting on my head, he added, "Thank you for letting me hear you laugh. Thank you for everything tonight."


For the first time in years, with a happy heart, I was lying in bed.

I knew that there were still things that Nigel and I hadn't talked about but I was surprised to realize that my heart had started to forgive him. It seemed like every single reason that made me run away before was starting to turn into tiny particles of dust ready to be blown by the wind to be forgotten...

Maria Stella.

Yes, I still thought about her. I still asked where she was this time. I still asked what happened to her and Nigel.

But I knew in my heart that if there was really something in between them in the past, for sure they had already ended it. That was just what I felt and I believed what I felt.

Before I fell asleep, Nigel's smiling face was the last thing in my mind.


Too excited to behold the gleam of the morning light in my condo window, I woke up very early. I actually watched the sunrise from my window and I couldn't help but smile. Why did the early morning sunlight brought a smile in my lips? Was I happy finally?

After my weird yet gratifying encounter with the morning light, I then showered and checked on my old clothes and some old stuff in my walk-in closet. Nigel was right, everything was kept intact... tops, shorts, capris, leggings, jeans, accessories, bags, shoes, even underwear. They were all arranged neatly in the exact places where I left them.

I found one of my favorite blouses before and I wore it. I paired it with a pair of black leggings. I was surprised that they still fitted me perfectly.

After I made myself to look presentable, I decided to go out. When I opened the door, I was utterly gaping my mouth as Nigel was there standing and leaning his back against his bedroom door just across the hallway.

"Hey!" he greeted me immediately. Apparently, he was still maintaining that cheerful disposition he had yesterday. He wasn't wearing a business suit, instead a tight-fitting black shirt and jeans.

Was he waiting for me to come out of the room?

I closed the door behind me and smiled at him.

"Love the smile in your eyes," he said as we were walking heading to the dining area. "Really love your eyes."

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