4: Recovery

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Stiles crashed onto his unmade bed, his hands running through his brown hair as he recalled his memories of that evening. He thought about his time spent with Allison - when they were alone together in a state of heaven, overlooking Beacon County. He remembered her slight shifts and movements and the way her eyes lit up. Recognising that he was falling in love with her memory again, he slowed down his thoughts and realised how quickly his heart had been beating. It was because he felt guilty. Guilty that he knew that Scott had feelings for Allison yet he still took her for himself. "What am I going to do? Wha-what am I gonna tell Scott? That I found her but didn't want to bring her to you? Does that make me selfish or just a guy in love?" Stiles said under his breath to himself, the words tumbling out of his mouth, free-flow.

Out of the silence of his bedroom, his phone started to ring. He already new who it was. Scott's name appeared on the screen, under a photo of him and Stiles back from when they were freshmen. Stiles stood up and stared at the answer button as he internally debated whether to answer the call or not. His hand shaking, he extended a finger and pressed a button.
"Hello? Stiles." said the voice coming from the phone.
"Hey, what's up man? Did you see my text?" said Stiles casually after a moment's hesitation
"Yeah, what was wrong?" Scott asked, concern prominent in his tone.
"Listen, Scott. Could we talk tomorrow? I'm tired. Come to my house at around twelve o'clock, I should be awake by then." Stiles said, no longer able to keep things from his best friend. Something inside him had changed when he heard Scott's voice; he was ready to tell him.

Stiles didn't sleep much that night, despite how much his body ached and his brain wanted to stop thinking, his mind was wide awake, recovering from the effect of Allison's charm. Knowing that the next day, he could lose his best friend - his brother - made his night as rough as the violent waves of mixed emotions in the ocean of his mind. He could only hope that this was the storm before the calm rather than the other way round.

** thanks for reading! I apologise for not publishing a part in a while for any of you who have been waiting. **
- purefantasies (Kimberly)

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