1: Falling

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Through the open window of Stiles' room, a gentle breeze entered and cooled him from the warm summer air that lingered in his bedroom. The heat came in waves and was stifling each time. Empty bottles of water littered the floor and the ceiling fan lumbered itself round and round, not making a significant difference but it gave Stiles the feeling that he had control over the sweaty, summer induced situation which was completely out of his hands.

In the midst of all this discomfort was Stiles, hunched over his computer with his clammy palms resting over the keyboard as he tried to concentrate on the screen of words that had began to appear to be swimming before his eyes. Sluggishly he spoke to himself, trying to persevere through the torturous effects of the weather: "Come on," he mumbled as his eyelids threatened to close and his head felt like it weighed a tonne. "This essay is impor-" He couldn't complete his sentence as he gave in and rested his head on his wooden desk, finally feeling satisfied as his body allowed him to drift off into dreams of blue and escape the burning red of that world.

There were three, firm knocks on his door but to Stiles, who's thoughts were reality mixed with his dreams at this point, nothing made sense so he replied to the knocks with, "What? Come. No. Hahaha."
Scott burst open his door anyway and the sound of the door shocked Stiles into waking up from the jumble in his head. "Stiles buddy, I need your advice...Were you asleep just then?"
Quickly lifting himself from his lying position on the desk and tapping his fingers on it, trying to look awake he said "Oh! Yeah, I was just resting my eyes. You know how it is when you stare at screens for too long." He rubbed his eyes, took a swig of water and threw the empty bottle on the floor. "So. What is it?" He said, focusing on Scott.
"Well, there's this party going on on Friday night after school and the whole lacrosse team is invited, plus most of the grade, and Allison's going to be there too!"
"Alright..." Stiles said as he turned his attention to one of his socks that was in the corner of the room.
"Yeah, so I need help with impressing her. You know that Allison and I have been friends for a while now but I don't wanna be just friends. I feel like there's so much more that we can be."
"Yeah." was the only way Stiles could reply at that point. He wished it didn't but it bugged him how Scott always had the upper hand when it came to girls; he was funny and kind with good looks, a dream body and amazing lacrosse skills. But there was Stiles, the sarcastic, uncoordinated, unpopular, not obviously physically blessed but "cute" one. These thoughts always nagged at him in the back of his mind whenever he was with his best friend and it started when Allison arrived.

"Stiles, are you still listening?" Scott said as he clicked his fingers at him, snapping back his attention. "I just asked you of you wanna be my wingman at the party, y'know, helping me talk to her and stuff. What do you say?" he said, with a hopeful expression - hoping Stiles wouldn't let him down. There was pause that lasted a second too long before he replied "Of course, what kind of a friend would I be if I didn't tag along?"
"Thanks, man," Scott beamed, smiling from ear to ear. "I've gotta go now, there's a lacrosse game on Saturday that I need to practice for." he reasoned as he reached for his motorbike helmet from Stiles' bed.
"Okay then! Leave me to die alone of heat exposure in here!" he exclaimed, clutching his neck and falling clumsily off his chair.
"Stiles! I'm surprised they haven't put you into Eichen House! I might report you though!" Scott joked, shaking his head.
"Please do! For the safety of the public!" Stiles uttered in a sarcastic tone.

Scott let out a chuckle and walked out of the bedroom confidently, his strong stride basically screaming Allison's MY girl. Stiles sat up and pondered; Allison was gorgeous - luscious dark hair, beautiful light brown eyes, perfect face and soft pink lips. Not only that but her personality was alluring and she was of good heart. This had Stiles thinking; "I am as deserving as anyone who wants to be in love so why do I just assume that Scott can take it all? In the end, I will find a love and I'm not going to shun myself from falling."
Stiles could only hope that falling wouldn't result in him being broken.

** author's notes **
Thank you for reading the whole part! I promise things are going to get more exciting!
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