The Problem

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I'm back!! Sorry I was gone for so long, guys... Lots of busy stuff going on here. But here's a new chap! 

Blessing you with Jacky Vincent in multimedia box.. Damn son. 


Jo's POV

Shortly after the boys went into the hallway and I got off of the phone with Elena, I heard whooping coming from the hallway. I had finally been a tiny bit relaxed, because Elena was coming to talk to me and she was bringing Tony. I loved their family more than I loved my own, honestly. I grabbed my phone and texted Elena the details of how to find me. 

"Room 216, Second floor of the Denver hospital." I typed out. 

"Okay, cool. Be there as soon as possible. We just left school. Maybe 30 minutes out?" My phone buzzed.

"Sounds awesome. Thank you so much. Love you" I messaged back before putting my phone back on the bedside table. 

I had barely leaned my throbbing head back down onto the pillow before there was a knock at the door. 

"S'open!" I lazily slurred out. The door cracked open and the guys walked in, looking slightly nervous. 

"Hey, Jo. How do you feel?" Ronnie asked and walked over to my bed. 

"Okay. The pain meds are kicking in, I think. Oh, and guess what! I might have a solution to my living problem. Maybe. My friend is coming to the hospital and I'm gonna talk to her about it." I smiled.

"Well, actually Jo, that's what we wanted to talk to you about." Ronnie said sweetly. I furrowed my eyebrows and cocked my head at him, looking at the bashful looking band. It seemed to be silent forever until Ryan cut in.

"Come with us on tour!" Ryan bounced. My jaw dropped in shock.

"What?" I opened and closed my jaw, trying to think of something to say, but nothing would come out. 

"Way to cut to the fucking chase, Ryan." Jacky shot a look at Ryan. "What he means is, if you wanted to, you could come along with us on tour. We, well we have an extra bunk in our bus. And since you play guitar, maybe you could even play along with us." Jacky explained, looking shy. I loved him. 

"I-I-Guys, I don't even know what to say. First off, there's no way in hell that I could keep up with you, guitar-wise. I suck ass compared to you. Second, I'm an unpredictable teenage girl. You don't want me on tour with you. I'm a mess." I wanted to say yes with all of my heart, but I couldn't put them out like that. 

"I'll teach you!"Jacky said, his head shooting up. "It'll be fun!" 

"And it would be fun to have a girl on tour. Keep us in line." Ronnie added.

"And keep the stink away!!" Ryan shouted. He was like a puppy, damn. Always hyper. 

I played with my thumbs. It would be fun. And it would give me a place to stay. "You guys really want me to?" I sincerely asked, looking up. 

"YES!" The word resonated throughout the room. It scared me, and my eyes got wide in shock, making Ryan crack up and Jacky smile a little bit. I couldn't help but notice that Derek wasn't commenting.

"Honestly, Jo. We wouldn't offer if we didn't mean it." Ronnie said. 

"Derek? I wouldn't bother you if I came along..?" I didn't want a single one of them to not want me there. 

Derek looked at me for a second, as if thinking. "...Yea.. I think you'd be pretty cool to have along. I mean, even just to look at your hair. That shit fuckin' rocks." He cracked a smile. I couldn't help but giggle.

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