The Plan

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Jo's POV


I stared down at my hospital blanket. I couldn't believe that my dad had broken my prized guitar. I loved that thing more than life itself. But I couldn't focus on that right now. Ronnie had a good point.

Where was I gonna stay?

I had officially turned 16. Either today or yesterday was my birthday, I'm not sure. I didn't know how long I'd actually been in the hospital. So I had to get my license... And I guess a new car. Clifford. My heart broke as I thought of my baby. So I had to buy a new car... And an apartment, or any place to stay really. And food... Life is gonna suck for a while. I thought about my money situation. It was rough.

So I had about $6,500. After paying hospital bills, it would probably leave me with about $1,000. I dropped my face into my hands. That was not nearly enough for an apartment. Maybe I could take some time off of school... And get a second job? Then save up as fast a possible while maybe staying at a friend's house. Once I got a place of my own and got more stable financially I could think about a new car.

Just thinking about this was stressing me out. I grabbed my phone off of the table and shot off a few texts.

"Hey, Cas... I'm okay... Not coming to school anytime soon. Thanks for caring." There. Cas was dealt with. I decided that Shmee had waited long enough. I would reply, just give him the cold shoulder.

"I'm fine.  Like you actually care." Send. I felt slightly bad after being so bitchy but he deserved it.

I texted one more person, a senior who I was super close with. Elena.

"Hey Elena... I know you're in school right now... But I really need to talk. Like in person or on the phone. Please reply. Urgent." I hit send and hoped that she would reply soon. While I waited, I wondered what the guys were doing in the hallway. I couldn't believe that I met the whole band (besides Ron). It was like a dream. I would pinch myself to make sure it was real, but the pain in my lungs and, well, everywhere else, was doing the job for me.

Slightly later, my phone buzzed. I picked it up.

"I do care. I'm so sorry, Jo. I was a dick. What happened? If I could I would come and get you." -Shmee. I sighed while thinking about how much to tell him. I decided to tell him everything. What was the harm? He lived in a different state.

"Well. My parents kicked me out. That's when I called you. I had stolen my car and drove for a few minutes, then pulled over to try and get help. No one answered. So I drove as fast as I could onto interstate, planning to hit the median and try to just end it. But I hit a Black Escalade instead. I'm in the hospital. The Escalade people are fine, I got the brunt of it." Send. Right as I leaned over to put my phone back on the table, it started ringing. The intro to 'Pick Up the Phone' by Falling in Reverse rang out. Truly perfect ringtone. It was Elena. I pressed answer.

"JO! What happened? Where are you?! Was it your parents?? Do I need to come and get you??" Elena sounded panicked. I chuckled but soon regretted it as a sharp pain shot through my lungs.

"Ow. Shit, Elena, slow down." I groaned.

"Sorry. Jo, you sound like crap. What happened??" She was always so worried.

"Long story short? I got in a car accident. I'm in the Denver Hospital. If it's not too much to ask, can you come to me?" I hoped that she would come.

"Of course, Jo. I'll be there ASAP. Do you mind if I bring Tony?" Tony was her younger brother. He was in my grade. He was one of my closest friends at that hellhole of a school.

"I love Tony. Go ahead. Thank you so much, Elena. I'll text you my room number and details?" I was so grateful for her.

"Sure. I'll see you soon." I smiled and clicked the end call button. Finally, someone who was there for me. It felt good.


Ronnie's POV


I was worried about Jo. When I asked her about where she would live, she looked like she wanted to die. Poor girl. Parents who abandoned her, no one to help her. Huh, kinda sounds like someone I know.

The guys and I walked into the hallway and closed the door. I didn't want her to overhear us.

"Guys, I asked her. She has no place to live, no one to go to. I feel like we should help her." I started the discussion.

"Ronnie, I already told you, we can't do this. She's just some chic. I mean, it's sad but she'll live. Why do you care so much?" Derek shared his opinion with the group.

"Derek, I swear to God if you don't stop being such a goddamn prick I WILL kick your ass. I care because she kinda reminds me of.. me. Abandoned by our parents, no one to turn to. On our own. I don't want someone as innocent as her to go through what I did. Good enough answer for you? Oh, wait. I don't give a fuck." The group seemed shocked at my threats to Derek. We always got along fairly well. Derek hung his head in shame. I looked around the group, wanting their input.

"She seems super sweet... But how would we help that much? We're on tour... We live in California." Ryan brought up a good point.

"Well... She plays guitar, right?" Jacky pitched in quietly.

"Yea..." I replied.

"Well if she's good... She could maybe do some shows with us? Like maybe just trade with me or Derek for a song or two to give us a break..." Jacky had a good idea there.

"That's actually a pretty good idea, Jacky." I smiled at him.

"We do have an extra bunk. And maybe she could help with merch! I like this idea. We need a girl on our tours. Maybe she will get rid of some of that stench that we give off." Ryan pitched in, smiling like an idiot.

We all looked at Derek. He looked around slowly.

"I'm down... But what about when tour's over? She can't stay on a tour bus forever." Derek looked at me shyly, waiting for me to yell again.

"That's a good point... She could stay with me. I have plenty of room." I replied. Derek looked relieved that I didn't yell.

"Clothes? All her stuff?" Jacky asked quietly.

"We could go to her house some time before we leave Colorado, after she gets released from the hospital." Ryan suggested.

"Yea... With all of us there her dad probably won't touch her. And if he does, he'll pay." I said.

"Is this a plan, guys?" Ryan asked, his eyes glinting happily.

We all looked at each other before I spoke up.

"I think so.. There are a couple of little things but we can figure them out. Should we ask her?" I offered to the group.

They all nodded and I pumped my fist as we headed back to her room.


Hey guys! Sorry for the long wait, it was a crazy week. Two POVs in one chapter?! Getting crazy up in here... Hehe love you guys! Like, comment, and vote please? Love y'all!

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