Playing With Wolves

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Jo's POV


I woke up from a deep sleep to a bright light. I couldn't open my eyes fully because it was so bright. I moaned and covered my eyes, feeling them watering. As I covered my eyes I felt multiple sharp pains in my ribs, face, head, and arm.

"What the fuck?" I mumbled, looking down at my body once I was able to open my eyes. One of my arms was in a sling, I had cuts (not self-inflicted) all over my arms and legs, and I was in a hospital gown. I tried to sit up and was immediately met with a sharp pain in my ribs.

"SHIT!" I gasped out, falling back onto the bed. I looked around. I was in a hospital room. The bright light that had woken me was the sun. I hated that thing. There was no one else in the room, and I sat for a minute wondering what to do.

"Hello??" I called out, hoping someone would hear me. Nothing.

"Hello?! Is anybody there??" I yelled very loudly this time. I heard footsteps and someone ran into my room. Looked like a nurse.

"Oh, you're awake!" She chirped perkily. Bedside manner I guess.

"Yea. Umm, what happened? Where am I? Where are my clothes? My phone??" I questioned, emphasizing the last one. I needed my phone.

"Well honey, you got in a car accident. Pretty bad. You've been unconscious for about 15 hours. You're in the Denver hospital. Your clothes were torn and covered in blood, so we threw them away. Your Phone should be on one of these tables..." She started looking around.

15 hours?! How did that happen?? Where were my paren--


Suddenly, the night before all came back to me in a flood of memories. The fight with my parents, Shmee blowing me off, and finally losing my shit and driving into another car on interstate.

A million questions flooded through my head. How was I gonna pay for this?? How was my car, my Clifford? I almost cried at the thought of Clifford being thrown into a junkyard. Did my parents even care where I was?

The nurse interrupted my train of thought by walking back over to me and handing me my phone. I quickly thanked her and clicked it on. It's screen was cracked a lot, but still functional. 23% battery. Okay, not bad. I had a few texts. One from Casper, the rest from Shmee. Ugh.

"Where are you? I swear to God, Jo. You're worrying me. You should be in school!" Casper had said. Crap! I completely forgot about school... I had to get out of here. I quickly checked the other texts.

"Hey, Jo? Are you ok?" -Shmee.

"Honey? What did you do??"-Shmee.

"Jo, please answer. I'm sorry I blew you off, I was being a dick. Where are you? Please..."-Shmee

"Alright Jo. I'm getting seriously worried here. Talk to me, please."-Shmee.

I ignored the texts, just like he had ignored me. I started struggling to get up as the nurse watched me.

"Sweetie, stay put. What do you need?" She questioned.

"I need to get out of here!" I snapped back, struggling as she tried to hold me down.

"Can I get a doctor in here?" She shouted over her shoulder as I wrestled against her hold.

"I- need to- leave!" I gasped out as I writhed. A doctor came in the door and quickly ran over to my bed.

"Hey, hey, hey. Not so fast." He said, easily holding me down. Soon, the pain in my head and ribs were overpowering and I fell back down, tears streaming down my face.

"It's gonna be ok, ok? We called your parents, but they didn't answer. We left messages. They will hopefully be here soon." He tried to comfort me, not knowing that he had made it worse.

"NO!" I screamed. "THEY CAN'T COME HERE. I CAN'T SEE THEM!!" I was having an anxiety attack. I felt my heart rate speed up as I got dizzy. I heard beeping and yelling, but it all sounded very distant.

"I NEED TO GET OUT OF HERE BEFORE THEY GET HERE. THEY HATE ME!! THEY KICKED ME OUT. THIS IS THEIR FAULT!" I rambled, kicking at the nurses who were trying to restrain me. One nurse came over and started moving her finger along my arm in a slow, soothing motion. I felt my breathing sync to the rhythm of her finger. I calmed down until I was a messy pile of sobs.

"I- they can't- they hate me..." I gasped as the nurse hugged me and rocked back and forth.

"Shhhhhh... It's gonna be ok honey. Shhhhh." She soothed.

"What about- what happened- who did I hit?" I realized that there was another car involved in the accident, scaring me even more. What if someone got seriously hurt?

"A couple of guys. They're fine, just a few stitches and a couple concussions. You got the brunt of it." She said.

"As a matter of fact-"the doctor cut in. "Would you like your diagnosis now?" I silently nodded my head as tears streamed down my cheeks.

"Broken ulna, dislocated shoulder, three broken ribs, collapsed lung, broken nose, major concussion, and multiple lacerations on the arms and legs." He read off of a chart. I looked at him in shock, then back at myself.

"You also had a black eye from prior to the accident, and multiple lacerations that were not caused by the accident." He raised his eyebrows at me. That would make sense. Black eye, where Father had hit me. Lacerations- well. Cuts.

I nodded slowly. "Can I ask how much all of this will cost?"

"Well, including the consultations and the healing processes, and the room use, probably about $5,600." I dropped my head. That was almost all of my savings. And I didn't have any insurance.

"Thank you." I managed to squeak out. "Also, can I meet the people who were in the other car?" I wanted to apologize. I almost ruined these people's lives. The doctor nodded and walked out. A couple minutes later, he opened the door for someone. The man was in the process of asking the doctor, "This is the bitch who can't drive?" when the door was opened. I hung my head, not wanting to see the damage that I had done. I completely deserved what the man said. I was a bitch.

The man walked over to me and said "So? Care to explain?" I took a deep breath and looked up.

I gasped in shock as I recognized the person standing over me.


I wonder who it is?? Bit shorter of a chapter, but important. Like, comment, vote, and suggest? I love all of you perfect people! Stay awesome. :3

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