Midnight Start

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I'm not sure of what this world wants to do with my soul.
And, if by means I have to destroy the ideas in my psyche.
Then this is not the world for me.

Excuse me for feeling so fulfilled after you left me.
No other option was on discussion.
What was I supposed to do?

It's 11:32 here tonight and I really want them to know that I'm alright.
That my needs of creating are growing each time
Someone gets close enough and it hurts
But I'll clap and laugh
Because writers like to dramatize life
And I have no plans on being more than that
Just a writer, contemplating the last breathes of the night.

Thank you, lights of the city
For reminding me of life.
For bringing such a weird warmth
Thar makes me feel alive.

Friend (do you mind if I call you like that?), you are part of this as well
Even though my words don't rhyme and you may be stressed
You are part of the landscape
We are part of something more
And the blood that may feel still
Is running all along our bodies
Forcing us to stay
Maybe, making us ache.

But that's the sign you're looking for.
You don't know what the world want from you.
Neither do I.
And I doubt anybody will ever find
But if my moments of hollow can maybe make you think.
Make you stay awake.
That'll be enough.
Because the world can want more of us that we'll ever have.
But as long as we don't let them empty our soul,
You'll be able to see tomorrow the city lights.

And the night after that,
and the night after that.

And I beg that 100 nights after that.

[excuse my clumsy writing with lack of context, feel free to take it subjective, you don't have to understand, just feel, please feel. thank you again]

Take a look beyond, inside.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora