- chapter 2 -

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Chapter 2

Bailey Humphreys

I analyzed my reflection in the mirror for what seemed like the hundredth time that morning.

Why does it seem like the more I look at myself, the more flaws I see?

I huffed, tugging on my black crop top that I paired with black ripped jeans and - surprise - black boots.

All black, like my soul and my heart.

"Bailey, you're giving me a headache." James said, holding a mug of what I believed was coffee tightly. I glared at him from the mirror. "Stop fussing!"

"You give me a migraine just by existing." I retort, only half-meaning it. "Stop looking if it bothers you so much."

"Whatever." He muttered as he walked out of the room and towards the living area.

I finally leave my spot in front of the mirror after a few minutes and head to the living area as well.

"It's 8:20-something, so I think we need to go." I inform the rest of the lads, who were all compressed uncomfortably in the intricately designed couch.

I smiled, realizing that all of us had worn all black outfits, save for Matt and James, who had worn white trainers and a white shirt respectively.

Matt stood up lazily as he always did, and Tom followed. But the latter jumped up excitedly.

"Guys, I -"

"Don't." Matt told Tom sharply. "We don't need to know how shaky you are."

I snickered softly at Tom, who pouted, as the four of us walked towards the elevators that probably cost more than our whole band's net worth.

"I am so -" I start teasingly, and Matt gives me a look. "excited."

I chuckle when Matt audibly heaves a sigh of relief. "This is such a big day, and I must say, I am so proud of us all personally, and as a band."

They all 'aww'ed at what I said. James even wiped a fake tear from his eye, which made me laugh.

"I love you twats so fucking much!" Matt exclaimed, initiating a group hug.

"Even you, Tom, no matter how shaky you are."

I rolled my eyes, smacking Matt's shoulder as we pulled away from the hug. "Way to ruin the moment, you prick."


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this is short, but no one's reading this anyway, so who really cares?

anyway, pyper america smith plays bailey, because i think pyper is one cute human being. that's all!

comment and vote for this story!

always, ritz

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