" Oooh ohk. I see. " he said , the anger finally leaving his eyes.

" Yeah, Kay this is Andrew. The Andrew we we're talking about earlier. Andre's brother. " I said formally introducing them.

" What's up my man." Kaylin greeted him with a pound and getting off of Ashley's bed and sat down on the floor at the foot of my bed.

We stayed up all night watching movies and playing pranks on Kentrell who wen't to sleep about 3 hours into our Vamp session. Insisting that he needed his beauty sleep. After the 5th prank he decided to stay awake with everyone else. Though he complained the whole time we all had fun.

Instead of going to sleep Andre' , Andrew and Kentrell all wen't to their houses/dorm and showered and changed. Me, Ash, and Kay stayed at ours showered and changed.

I decided to wear a black and gold full body jumper with some black sandals. I put my hair into a high puff an laid my edges. When I came out of my bathroom Ashley was walking out of her closet with a blue and white romper on and white sandals that matched mine. . We looked at each other simultaneously and said,

" Fashion Nova ?" then " Yeahhh Girl " Literally at the same time and burst out laughing . . .

" How is it that we always seem to match each other in some way?" She asked this time referring to our shoes and our hair.

" I have no clue. But I think it's pretty fucking cool. " I said and we high fived. Just then Kaylin burst into the room.

" Come on ya'll or we're going to be late." then he mumbled under his breath " Damned women."

" We heard that. " I yelled after him as we followed him out of the door.

When we got to the food court we met everyone at the door as we'd all agreed on.

" What ya'll want to eat? " Andrew asked even though he was already headed for Panera Bread.
" I wan't a plain bagel with New York styled cream cheese. " I called out to him.
" Anyone else ?" He asked.
Everyone gave their no's and headed towards different places. When I went to hand Andrew my money for my food he pushed my hand away.
" Uh Uh , Don't insult me like that girl." He hissed at me. He pulled out a whole roll of money filled with nothing below 20's . . . Not that I was really paying attention but hell, who wouldn't peep it.
The only time I've ever seen money and bank rolls like that was when my brother ' THOUGHT ' he was a thug and decided to sell drugs before my mama found out and whooped his ass. That shit was hilarious. BUT that's a story for another time.
" Wait , don't pay for my food . . . I need to ask permission." I said before pulling out my phone to call Ashley. I mean that's her nigga , I can't have him buying my food . . Especially if it ain't alright with my girl.
" Ask who?" He asked
I mouthed to him." Ash and Dre." he nodded his head cause he got where I was coming from.
When Ash answered the phone I asked her if it was OK for Drew to buy my food, which she agreed to and I told her to ask Andre' for me, he agreed as well. He ended up buying Ash's food since they were at the same place.

After everyone got their food we all met at a big table that could fit us all comfortably.

" Oh my gawd, I haven't had one of these in so long." I said complimenting my bagel with cream cheese.
" It just better be that good." My brother said teasing me.
" Shut up Kay." I hissed back at him.

We all just sat and talked and decided on what we were gonna do today. We all decided on lazer tag and paint balling. Of course the princess Ken threatened us , according to him we'd better not hurt his ' smexy ' face.

After we all finished eating we went to the dorms so that Ken , Ashley and Kaylin could change into something black so that they wouldn't be so noticeable during Laser tag. Since I had on sandals I went and changed into a pair of black converse. Thankfully my outfit was loose enough that I could move around flexibly during that games. Andrew and Andre' were already dressed in black.

When everyone finished we all loaded into Kaylin's truck and headed towards the Lazer Tagging and Paint Balling center.


Hey Peeps ,

Long time no update ehh ?
I know I know . . . I hope you all haven't forgotten about me. . . I've been working on this chapter for a few days , trying to make this chapter long enough. I didn't want to put too much in this chapter. Ignore all mistakes , I am finishing this at 2:11 a.m . . .
I hope you Lovely people enjoy this chapter ! Thanks for reading. . Comment and let me know what cha think. . . .

Thickk-Umzz (On Hold INDEFINITELY)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें