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"What happened that night?"

I looked up at Camila with a raised eyebrow. We were sitting in her room at her house. Her dad was at work and her mom was downstairs with Sofia.

"What night?" I asked, needing her to be more specific. A lot of things happen at night.

"The night you and Lauren slept together."

Oh, that night.


Camila had somehow convinced me to come
to this party. It's not that I didn't want to go,
I just had to study a lot. My A in science class was slowly dropping, and I wanted to keep all straight A's.

I went to go turn to Camila, but she was out of my sight. I sighed, knowing this would happen. I walked into the kitchen, searching for some water. I didn't want to get drunk and pass out, no, I just wanted to enjoy myself. It's the least I can do.

"Hey Y/N/N!" I looked up to see a tipsy Lauren. Lauren Jaregui, daughter of the Principal and sheriff.

"Lauren," I said, surprised. "How'd you get here? With your parents and all?"

Lauren shrugged, the corners of her lips turning upward, "I don't know. Water? No, you need a drink."


"Here, take mine." she snatched the water from my hand, shoving the red solo cup into my hand. "Now drink!"

I slowly brought the cup to my nose, the rim of it touching my lips. It was Jack Daniels and Coke. I shrugged, swallowing it, then wincing as it burned in the back of my throat.

"Thatta' girl!" Lauren exclaimed, grinning. "Now come on, I need a drink too!" she interlaced our fingers.

"And yeah. It went on from there. I honestly don't remember much." I told Camila.

"So this is my fault?" Camila remarked, her eyebrows furrowed.

"What? No -"

"Cool! I got you laid!" Camila grinned at me, and I sighed, shaking my head.

I glanced at the time, "I gotta get going home. Mom wants me to meet someone."


I entered the house, hearing soft chatter from
the kitchen. I took my jacket off, hanging it up on the rack.

I walked further into the house, entering the kitchen. I saw four plates set out, the three chairs filled with people. My mom and two unfamiliar people.


My mom looked up, smiling nervously at me, "Y/N/N, this is Derrick and his daughter Normani. She's your age." I looked at the father and daughter, then nodding and sitting down. I see where this is going. My mom is talking to someone, dating again.

"Hi, I'm Y/N." I politely introduced myself, nodding at the both of them.

Derrick smiled at me, "Nice to meet you. I've heard great things about you." I raised an eyebrow, looking at my mom.

"Oh, really now?" I said in a questioning tone. "I've heard nothing about you."

"Y/N." Mom narrowed her eyes at me. I sighed, looking down at the plate to see chicken, rice, and salad in another bowl.

"I know you," Normani spoke after studying me. "You're the girl that slept with -"

I coughed, interrupting her, "Uhm, slept over at Camila's house? Yeah. That's me." I stared at her, silently begging for her not to say anything. Normani luckily seemed to get the message.

"Yeah! At her birthday party." Normani lied, and I nodded, sending her a thankful smile.


Normani and I were cleaning up the kitchen, while her dad and my mom were outside, talking.

"She doesn't know, does she?" Normani spoke up, breaking the silence between us.

"Yeah," I nodded, spraying the table. "And I'd like to keep it that way. I don't want to add anymore trouble onto her plate." I began to wipe the table off with a rag.

"You know, Lauren is my best friend," Normani said. "I was the first person she told about the whole thing. But she never told me how her parents found out."

I sighed, "Long story short, I woke up and she was gone. Thinking I was in my house, I walked downstairs in nothing but my underwear and shirt. Her father was sitting down at the table, drinking coffee."

"Where was Lauren?"

"In the bathroom, apparently," I said. "So yeah."

"Well, I think she actually likes you, as in more then a one night stand." Normani told me, just as her father called her name. "See you later, Y/N."

"Yeah, maybe." I mumbled, seeing her walk out. I leaned against the counter, my arms crossed with my eyebrows furrowed.

Lauren likes me? But she was drunk when she came onto me. Maybe she needed a little boost or something - or Normani is wrong.

I heard my mother sigh as she came into view.

"Derrick, huh?" I questioned.

"Yeah - I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I just, I didn't know how to bring it up." Mom apologized.

"No - it's fine. I was just surprised, with the late notice and everything. Normani is nice, I've seen her at school." I said.

"Oh, that's good, honey," mom murmured. "I'm tired. I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Yeah." I gave her a hug.


Camila set next to me on my bed. We were both scrolling through our phones when they went off at the same time. We shared a glance, opening the message.

Kacy B: Party tonight! All graduating Junior's soon to be Senior's are invited! @ 2321 Memory Lane, 9 o'clock!

I locked my phone, as did Camila.

"Are we going?" I asked, and she grinned.



After successfully sneaking out of my house and getting to the party, we walked in. We weren't the first ones there, but we sure weren't the last ones.

"Camila -" she cut me off by running off into the crowd. "- Don't leave me this time." I sighed, putting my hands in my pockets.

I pushed through the crowd, going into the kitchen. I made myself a drink, leaning against the counter.

Let the party begin.


not edited


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