kiss . ♡ [ Chapter 6 ]

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Just letting you guys know , I know that Prince doesn't think he's fat . He isn't fat either . So , please don't get mad at me for doing that ! And I don't know if Ray doesn't like over weight girls . So , don't get mad at me for that either , please ? I just started reading Chapter 5 and I got mad at myself for calling Prince fat and saying that Ray doesn't date over weight girls ! Like no joke ! I got mad at myself !

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Princeton ;

I walked into the living room , only to find Ray sitting on the couch , head back , and knocked out. He lightly snored and I smiled at his cuteness. I looked over at the low volume television. I grabbed the remote from the coffee table and changed it. I sat down on the other side of the couch , making sure I didn't wake my cuteness (;

I checked what I was watching and saw it was some show called ' Mystery Detectives '. Wow , I didn't know Ray watched mystery thi - oh wait ! I changed it ! Duh ! See , Ray wants smart girls ! Not dumb ones who forget something that happened only seconds ago !

I continued watching TV. Well , if Ray was TV then , yeah , you can say I was watching TV. Every 5 minutes I would send a quick glance at Ray. Such a cutie , why would he ever love me ? Loving such an ugly , fat , stupid person is something Ray would never do !

I sighed at my own thoughts and put my head in my hands.

Why would Ray even choose to love me ? I'm nothing special , nothing unique. I have many flaws that I can name in a snap. I'm going crazy for someone who doesn't even think of me more than a brother. Just a friend , a bandmate , nothing more ! And I'm going nuts. What if I runaway again ? Get away from him and everything ! No , that won't solve anything , just like last time ! They found me and the feelings that I thought left , came running back after one smile from him.

' Princeton ? ' My head quickly shot up and my eyes met with Becky's . What is she doing here ? I looked at her confused.

' When did you get here ? ' I asked her. She looked down at her hands and played with her fingers. I looked at her up and down. She wore Ray's black sweatshirt that didn't fit her , that made my blood boil. She doesn't have the right to wear that sweater ! I should be wearing it ! Not her ! She doesn't even look good on her ! She looks Taylor swift trying to rock Jordans ! Okay , stop it Princeton ! You don't even know what you're saying !

' I actually spent the night , but I guess Ray didn't wanna be with me in bed. ' She said , sill playing with her fingers. Maybe , cause that kitty stank ! [ A/N ; I felt weird having to write the P word .. ]

' oh .. ' I said. I looked down and felt the awkward tension in the air.

' here .. ' I felt something soft on the back of my neck. Feeling a light weight being pushed onto my back. ' give that to Ray please ? ' She said. I looked up at her and she wore her red plaid shirt. I guess she threw me Ray's sweater.

' bye .. ' She said , walking away. I heard the front door open and close quietly. I rolled my eyes. I grabbed the sweater from my back and smelt it . My nose filled with Ray's cologne . I smiled and looked over at him , still sleeping. I put the sweater on and walked to the bathroom.

I looked in the mirror and checked myself out in the sweater. I looked good in Ray's sweatshirt. It didn't fit me but I looked cute. I fixed it and smiled. I blew a kiss at the mirror and left the bathroom. I walked back into the living room and stopped dead in my tracks.

Ray was awake !

Oh no ! He's gonna think I'm a total weirdo wearing his sweater ! The one he let Becky wear ! Calm down Princeton , maybe he won't noticed !

Ray was looking around and stopped when he saw me. He smiled and I gulped.

' Is that my sweater ? ' He asked , pointing at me. Oh gosh ! He noticed ! I looked down and looked back up. Oh my gosh ! What do I do ? Should I lie and say it was cold ! Or tell him the truth and say that I wore it because I looked cuter than Becky in it ?

' uh , it g - got cold in here ? ' I said , it sounded more like a question than a statement. Plus , I stuttered ! He's gonna know I'm lying !

' Oh , you look cute - I mean ! You look good in it ! ' He quickly said , looking down . Breaking eye contact. My face quickly lit up , H - He thought I looked cute ! I squealed inside my head . My heart started beating quicker and my palms got sweaty . Feeling the butterflies he always gives me , go crazy inside my belly.

' T - Thank you. ' I said. I looked down and smiled. I knew I looked good in this ! Beat that Becky ! I watched him get up and he stopped in front of me. Oh my gosh ! He's gonna yell at me ! His head was still hung low , not looking at me !

' You're welcome . ' He whispered. He lifted his head up at me and smiled. I smiled in return. We stood there for about 1 or 2 minutes. Not saying one word , and I still cherished every moment of it ! Just staring into each other eyes. Not even awkward. We just stood there smiling at each other.

Suddenly , I felt a pair of soft lips connect to my left cheek. I was shocked , OH MY GOD , OH MY GOD , OH MY GOD !!! [ A/N ; I fangirled while I wrote this .. /.\ ] My heart beat started beating faster than my normal speed. I couldn't control the butterflies that lost all control in my stomach. My hand went back to sweating. Everything was spinning around me , RAY WAS KISSING MY CHEEK !!!!!!!!

His lips slowly disconnected themselves from my cheek and I looked at him. I was still shocked. My eyes were wide and my mouth was slightly opened. He looked at me and gave me a scared look. Oh no ! What did I do ?

Before I could say anything , he darted upstairs. Hearing his footsteps stepping on each step. It echoed in the silent house. I heard his door slam shut also. I didn't even bother to turn around and go after him. He wouldn't talk to me or even wanna look at me .. But HE STILL KISSED ME.

My body grew excited ( no , not in that way , You weird freaks ! ) and I stood on my tippy toes. I started squealing and ending up crying a little. I jumped up and down and starting spinning around. My beating heart matched my jumps ! I was so happy and excited !!

I couldn't wait to tell .. no one. I stopped jumping and my body fell into sadness. I can't tell anyone that I got excited when Ray kissed my cheek ! They would instantly find out about my sexuality ! I groaned and stomped into the living room. I plopped down onto the couch and sat there watching TV again.

I smiled and felt my cheek. I felt his lips on them and my heart beat quickened again. Man , My hearts gonna explode one day ! I laughed at my thought and rolled my eyes playfully at myself. I continued watching ' Mystery Detectives ' cherishing the kiss .. ♡

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Well , I got back from swimming and wanted to update. I really liked this one , It made me happy . But , once again about Chapter 6 , I am mad at myself for writing that. I don't think I wanna change it but , I just don't want anyone to feel that way ! But , it does have to be there for the story later on (:

What did you think about that kiss , Aye ? Yeah , I know , it was just a kiss on the cheek. But , to Princeton , It meant much more .. I decided to put that kiss there to speed things up. Plus , I thought it would give you guys something to be happy about (:

So .. Can I get +3 comments and +4 votes ? Just so I can update and keep you guys happy (: Gracias (;

Crooked SmileOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora