Chapter 16

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~Aiden's pov~

When we got to where the girls should have been they were no where to be seen. I wasn't expecting much less really. My heart rate sped up in fear for my mate. Where could she be?
"Dr. Hoghem, are you saying you truly believe you caught a mermaid?" a females voice said with mock. I looked at my curious friend next to me. He nodded his head so we snuck over to where the voices were coming from. We got down low and listened.
"Yes! I had her! She was in a net, but she some how got out and swam away." I had to stop myself from growling and attacking the man. I knew he was talking about Scar. The lady looked at him with disbelief. "I'm not crazy." He defended.
"I'm sorry, but you have no proof. We simply can not keep running around like this every time you think you have proof of something." the lady turned away with her laughing crew and they all got in their vehicles and drive off.
"How did she get away Darsin?" the man stomped his foot. "She was unconscious and pretty beat up when my back was turned." He hurt her?
"She could've pretended to be asleep." The other man suggested. I couldn't listen to this anymore. I jumped out and pounced on one of the men. I turned back to human and started punching him in the face.
"How dare you touch my mate!" I growled and hit him harder.
"Aiden!" Hands grabbed me from behind an tried to stop me.
"Do not touch me!" I punched him again and heard a pleasing crack. I broke his nose. I stopped and them man was unconscious. I smirked and took his pants so I could cover myself.
I looked at the other man and saw him shaking. "Please don't kill me," He begged. I walked over to where I was towering above him.
"Did you drive that boat?" I asked. He shook his head. "Good, then get us out to the area you lost her. if we can't find her, I will do the same to you as I did to your partner." He stumbled and went running for the boat, getting it started up. we walked over and got on.
Hang on Scar. I'm coming.

~Charlottes Pov~

I looked around frantically looking for any sign of Scar. How does she always get into these situations? The others were searching for her in different directions.
Far, far up ahead I saw something hit the water and sink quickly. my stomach twisted and I had a strange feeling that that was Scar. I swam faster a little faster. I glanced down and saw Alice. I'm thinking she saw the same thing as me because she started swimming up to me. When she was next to me we went 10x faster.
"Do you think she is okay?" Alice asked. We shared the same look of worry. "She has to be, right..." I nodded my head. I really didn't want to think about Scar being anything other than alive and well.

~Arisiel Pov~

While Alice and Charlotte went one way looking for Scar, Spencer and I went the other. there was a loud motor sound heading in our direction.
"That could be her!" Spencer said and I totally agreed with him. It's better to check than regret it. We swam at full speed to it.
I swam to one side and Spencer went to the other. I stuck my head a little above the water so I could hear what they were talking about.
"There is blood on the boat," A familiar voice said. I couldn't place who it belonged to.
"He hit her pretty hard then...." I gulped. they had to be talking about Scar.sspencer came over and I went back under.
"Should we tip the boat?" I asked. He nodded his head. I smirked.
Dont you worry Scar, we will save you.
We got on one side and with one good push it starts leaning. The people on the boat were hollering. The people ran to the side and looked down at us. They looked so familiar as well.
"Arisiel! Arisiel! Stop! It's us!" They yelled.
Us? who is u.... oh my god. It's Aiden! We gently let the boat back down and swam to the side. We pulled ourselves up and sure enough there they were. James and Aiden looked liked they were ready to murder someone.
"Where's Scar?" Aiden asked seriously. I glanced at Spencer and then looked down.
"We don't know."

~Ray's Pov~

I drove as fast as I could to Aiden's house. Something was definitely wrong. Maybe someone here can tell me something.
I walked on in without knocking and regretted that I hadn't. Some girl ran into me and fell on top of me. She pushed herself off. I got a good look at her and knew I've never seen her before.
"Hey Ray, why are you here?" Chance asked.
"Scar is in trouble." I told him. He tensed up.
"Does Aiden know?" He asked. I nodded my head. the two like at each other and ran down the hall. I gaped at them as I realized they left me with two girls. Who are they...
"Before you ask, we are Arson's nieces." I just shook my head. I didn't really care right now to even let that sink in. the two guys returned with Arson.
"Ray, I can call the rest of the pack if I need to." He said calmly. I didn't really know what I should say.
"I don't know if they need to be called." I mumbled. "I just know Aiden and James went running out to go find them."
"Then they have it handled, I'm sure. Scar is Aiden's mate. He would die before she ever would. Everything is fine. Sit down and try to relax."
Relax?! How can I relax when my twin sister is out there in trouble?!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2013 ⏰

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