Chapter Five

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At this moment, Steph did not understand how she could not have sensed them coming.

Five of them running after horses that seems to be running too slowly.

Steph pulls on the strings and shoots. The symbolints run again, into the dragons that were as tall as their horse. Or even taller.

She wonders if her ancestors did this. If they had to kill dragons — creatures they cared for — when they tried to eat them.

"Steph! I thought you said they weren't close!" Brian blames, shouting on his horseback.

"Brian this is certainly not helping...!" Steph yells back while she pulls out another arrow and shoots.

"I learnt it...while you, you have it as a talent did you say!?"

"Brian shut up and do something!" Wren yells before kicking the horse harder. Steph's jumps up from the horse before she is seated back down again.

Aiming carefully, she shoots, letting the sharp arrow cut through the air with a deafening silence.

"Steph, are you shooting them?" Wren asks in worry.

Steph looks back, Cody and Brian are leading the way in the front, occasionally looking back to check on them.

Or just check on Wren...

"I am...! I can't seem to stop them..."

The afternoon sun is setting as they run past the woods. Trees casting shadows on the dried grass. The horses run as if their floating on air. Steph couldn't even identify if the shaking was hers or the horse's sprints.

The dragons keeps following them no matter where they're going. Steph gets another arrow and shoots again.

It pierces right through the body without even hurting them a bit. Steph furrows, narrowing her eyes. What in the world...

Suddenly, Steph is thrown forwards, her body still twisted to the back. She doesn't have time to react before she's thrown to the ground, making a rough contact on her palms.

She hopes that her wound isn't ripped apart but she has no time to care about the return of the stinging pain.

Her heartbeats stop when a image of her being ripped apart by that monster flashes across her mind. Her blue eyes searches for Wren.

Wren coughs before turning around on the ground before Steph, eyes widening.

"Steph..." she breathes.

Steph looks behind her, five dragons with fiery breathes waiting to burn them into ashes. Steph shuffles back, kicking her feet to get far away as possible.

Wren holds her by the arm and drags Steph to herself. Steph only had that moment to let herself inhale before she felt like she couldn't breathe again.

"Steph, whisper something to them..." Wren reminds her.

Steph knows she has zero skills and feels no connection towards them. It's a weird feeling compared to how she can whisper to any other living creature.

"I-I can't..." Steph replies.

Her head is blank and there is no conversations coming into her head either. Do these dragons not whisper? It doesn't make sense.

One of them comes over and Wren unsheathes her sword, taking a slice right at the neck. It goes right through it, as if it's an image their imagining.

Steph gasps, clutching harder on her dagger, ready to strike again. What would her characters do?

What would her dad do?

The Fearless One [discontinued]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant