Chapter One

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There was only one word Steph can use to describe her feelings. 

It was fear

Fear of going to meet strangers, fear of talking, fear of walking into the woods and fear of knowing what's to come.

She hesitates in front of the wooden door to her beloved library. She knows there are people in there.

The dim lights were on at the side of the doors. The wind swirls around her feet, blowing the leaves across the floor. They tickled Steph's ankles as if forcing her to take a step towards the door; where her destiny was undetermined.

The leaves went past her, it swirled like the mixture of emotions in Steph's heart. 

She pursed her lips.

Her sharp eye had noticed the keyhole, jammed. Whoever was in the house, they were waiting for her to return, weren't they?

The city of Cro, where civilians lived in harmony among others. Kingdoms were jealous of the organisation and management; people desired for that kind of calamity.

Steph, an ordinary girl that only wanted some peace and quiet, came to this place with her books. Her life was... consistent. 

Her mornings were alone. The opening of her window and the smell of butter bread was something that got her awake. 

The afternoons were open to the public. A few people would come to borrow a few books from her little library and leave her... alone again. 

The nights were peaceful. She could hear the birds, the breeze at times. 

She didn't know if that was the life she wanted, but she was... satisfied. 

Until one day ruined it all. 

The Queen was sick — a rare disease that no one had managed to cure. The King loves her so much that he will risk anything to save her. 

It may seem loving or sweet to others who've heard about his actions, but to Steph it was troubling. 

The King would risk anything to save her and that meant risking lives of people — risking Steph's life. 

Steph lived at Cro for three years without trouble, but it was unfortunate that her family history got dug up.

Her previous family members, tracing back to her ancestors were dragon tamers. They were impressive people, who whispered kind and gentle commands into the ear of those beasts. 

Steph was nothing like them. 

But she was the only one left.

Steph was no girl to bring attention, but she is going to be the centre of the journey; where she will face a monster that will eat her alive. 

"I believe you have much experience," the King exclaimed, sitting on his throne. 

Steph remembered the way he looked. The worry, and yet he was so blinded that he didn't see the worry in hers. Perhaps, even if he did, he didn't care — he cared for the Queen. 

Steph, as a commoner, was nothing to him. How could she reject the King? 


"Get me the blood of the Ocean Horse, and you shall be greatly rewarded!" 

I don't want any rewards. She had thought, but she curtsied and left. 

She had been standing in front of her house for way too long. The night was bleeding into a darker blue. The hues of orange fading as the sun had set. She saw the figures inside, moving around in the light; while she, hid in the shadows. 

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