"Well, I saw something in your blood results that concerned me, so I ordered another test to confirm my suspicions." He paused and shifted uneasily.

Helen walked over and put her hand on Abby's shoulder as they waited for him to continue.

"There's no easy way to say this. Abby.......you're pregnant."

Abby's eyes widened in disbelief as Helen gasped and her fingers tightened on her shoulder.

"But.....that can't be right." Abby put her face in her hands as she tried to make sense of his words.

"I'm afraid it is Abby, and I have to say I am very concerned about this turn of events. It's way too early for your body to be able to cope with a pregnancy."

She shook her head in disbelief as she thought back over her relationship with Gabe.

"No, we were so careful, after everything you told us we never......." Her head shot up as she remembered the morning he had arrived back from Spain. She had been so happy to have him in her arms again. She just took him inside her without a care in the world. He had obviously felt the same way, all thoughts of using a condom were lost in their frantic love making. She let out a groan and buried her head in her hands again.

"I have to admit that I'm surprised that you fell so quickly. My advice about using condoms was more to protect you from any infection. As I said at the time, we had no way of knowing how your fertility had been affected by the chemo. It is very rare for a woman to regain fertility so soon but it's not unheard of. You, unfortunately, are proof of that."

Helen sat beside Abby and rubbed her back, she was as shocked as her friend.

"What I suggest is that you go home and think long and hard about this Abby. If you decide to go through with the pregnancy, it could trigger a relapse. You would not only lose the baby, you may be putting your life at risk as well."

Abby shuddered in response to his words and Helen held her close. She searched for words of comfort but was so shocked by the turn of events, her mind was blank.

"I know this is a lot to take in and has put a damper on your release from the hospital. But you are recovering Abby, and have time to think this over. Call me when you have made a decision."

When Abby didn't respond, Helen answered for her.

"Thanks doc, I'll take care of her. We'll be in touch soon."

Stepping forward he laid a hand on her shoulder. "You take care Abby." He said softly. He gave her shoulder a gentle squeeze and smiled sadly at Helen, before turning and leaving them alone.

The drive down to Gabe's country house was a quiet one. Abby spent most of the journey either staring out of the window or sleeping. Helen's excitement at seeing the rock stars home had all but disappeared as she tried to come to terms with the news of Abby's pregnancy.

Reluctantly, Helen shook Abby awake as they entered the village near Gabe's home.

"Hey Abby. I'm sorry to wake you but I need directions from here." She said gently.

Abby sat up and rubbed her eyes as she tried to get her brain to function. When she saw where they were, everything came sharply back into focus. She fought hard to quell the mix of emotions that shot through her. She needed to get to the house, then she could fall apart. After taking a few calming breaths, she was able to speak.

"Carry on through the village, keep driving until you see a narrow lane on the right. The sign says it is a dead end, but it leads to Gabe's house."

Helen could see how much Abby was struggling to keep it together, so tried to lighten the mood a little.

"Just think, in a few minutes I will be living the rock n roll lifestyle that I've only ever seen on TV."

Abby sighed. "It's not all it's cracked up to be you know."

"I know love, but a girl can dream." She gave Abby a wry smile as she indicated to turn down the lane to Gabe's house.

After a mile or so of winding their way down the lane, they came to a stop outside a set of imposing wrought iron gates. Abby fumbled in her bag for her phone. Gabe had sent her a text with the code to the electronic entry system a few days earlier, when he heard via Pod that she would be leaving hospital. It was the first time he had contacted her directly since the band left for the states. Even though she understood that he was trying to give her some space, she missed their daily texts and phone calls so much.

The gates glided open and Helen drove down the winding gravel drive, fighting the urge to look around at the beautifully landscaped gardens, and keep her eyes on the road.

She couldn't help the squeal of delight that burst out of her mouth as they turned the final corner, and the house came into view.

"Oh. My. God! It's unbelievable." She exclaimed.

As they pulled up outside the impressive front façade, the double doors swung open and Mary bustled out.

Helen climbed out of her car and Abby followed slowly behind her. She really wasn't in the mood for exchanging pleasantries with Mary. The woman was far too good at reading her, she didn't want to discuss the earth shattering news she had received that morning, with anyone.

"Oh my dears." She exclaimed, as she grabbed them both in a warm hug.

"Helen, it's so good to have you here." They had met a few times at the hospital, when Mary had visited Abby. So Helen wasn't at all phased by the effusive greeting.

"It's good to finally see this place Mary, what Abby told me about it pales at seeing the real thing."

"Well, my boy has taste, I'll give him that. But for all it's grandness it didn't really feel like a home until Abby came along." She smiled warmly at Abby as she spoke and pulled her in for another hug.

Abby stood stiffly in her arms, trying desperately to hold her emotions in check. When Mary pulled back and gave her a questioning look, she stifled a sob and ran passed her into the house.

"Is everything alright?" She asked Helen, her face overshadowed with worry.

"Well, yes and no." Helen replied.

"Please don't tell me the leukaemia has returned? Oh but they wouldn't have let her come home if it had." Mary argued with herself, unable to make sense of Abby's reaction.

Helen sighed, she wasn't sure how Abby would feel about her telling Mary the news.

Mary sensed her reticence, so let it drop for the time being.

"I have a pot of tea brewing and a nice fruitcake waiting to be eaten. Leave your bags for now, we can deal with those later." She grabbed Helen by the arm and led her into the house.

Abby shut the bedroom door behind her and slumped against it. She looked around the now familiar room and took a shuddering breath. She could smell Gabe's scent in the air, which only made her miss him more. Pushing away from the door, she walked over to the huge windows that stretched across the expanse of one wall. She stared out over the garden to the sea beyond, her mind a mass of jumbled thoughts.

She had hoped that she would have time to sort out her feelings for Gabe and make a decision about their relationship. Oh who was she kidding? She knew she wanted him back. It was the lifestyle that worried her. But, a baby? How would Gabe react to that bombshell? And dare she take the risk to her health and go through with the pregnancy?

She ran a hand over her belly as she pondered the questions in her head. Maybe she was old fashioned, or perhaps it was the fact that her illness could have robbed her of the chance to get pregnant. But she longed for a child, Gabe's child.

Stay - Book two in The Stormforce seriesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon