Chapter 3

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Aaron released the man he was holding from the tree. The man staggered back, trying to catch his breath. I removed my arrow from my bow slowly.

"Aphmau! What are you doing!" The man with the green sword spoke.

"Relax. If they wanted to hurt us, they would have by now." She reasoned.

Both me and Aaron held our hands up in surrender.

"We are just camping out here for the night, we only attacked because we thought you were somebody else," I said.

"Okay, since we know they are harmless can we continue on our way now?" The guard who Aaron had pinned up against the tree said impatiently.

"It is getting late," the other guard said to Aphmau.

"We should get going," Aphmau said while waving at us. They headed past the clearing and back into the forest.

"I'm gonna get some sleep. We'll take shifts to make sure none of those thieves steal anything," he said, "No offense,"

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked him, offended. How did he know?

"It's just that you stole that bread and probably a lot of other stuff, too. I mean, how did you get that bow of yours and the diamonds?"

He went through my backpack. I was going to kill him later.

"I only take what I need," I said quietly. I was trying so hard not to get mad and fling something across the opening by accident.

"Sure you do," he chuckled to himself, "That's what they all say,"

I stormed off, not having a destination in mind of where I was going to go. I just couldn't stay there any longer or I would have done or said something I regretted.

Eventually I came across a house by a river. It looked like a cabin but was a lot smaller. I knocked on the door. I was hopelessly lost. It felt like I was walking for miles.

"Hello?" I yelled.

The sound of footsteps running down the stairs, immediately made me regain hope. An old man wearing a long black robe opened the door. It reminded me of what wizards wear in those story books I saw a long time ago.

He smiled and politely said, "Oh, hello there. What can I help you with?"

"Umm... Sorry to bother you but, I seem to be lost," I said looking around for effect.

"Come in. I can help you find your way back to wherever you need to go,"

I stepped inside the house and sat down on the brown couch.

"Where am I exactly? My friend and I got in a fight and I stormed off" I asked.

"Ever heard of Jade Hills?" he said, "Oh! I'm sorry! You must be freezing! Would you like some tea?"

"Sure," I said smiling slightly.

He left the room and minutes later, he came back with two full cups of tea.

"Here. It's Lemon Caramel Tea," he said placing the cups on the table in front of us.

We both took a sip. It tasted bitter yet sweet. Just like the kind my mother made... We sat in silence for a while. It was so good I couldn't help but have more than one cup.

"So, what's your name?" I ask, trying to break the silence.

"You can call me Ezekiel," he said smiling.

"So, Ezekiel, do you know how to get to Metelli from here?" I asked after a long pause.

"Yes. Just head North for about half an hour," he replied.

"Okay thanks, I should probably head home," I kindly replied.

I stood up from the couch and the room started to spin. I tried to walk anyways but ended up falling over.

The last thing I remember was the man standing over me holding a potion flask with a black liquid in it. He splashed it on me and I passed out.

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