Chapter 27

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A few days later.

The sun peaked over the desert as it welcomed a new day. The town was busy and happy, considering it was the last day of school. However, the Autobot base was quite and solemn. The children had grudgingly left that morning to go to school, and the Autobots had wandered off to different parts of the base while they waited for the children to return. June, Arcee and Optimus remained near the still unconscious men.

Bumblebee heard a steady beeping noise, it would be quite, then beep and repeat. He found it annoying and tried to tune it out. He felt something on his face, it felt like a thin tube and gave him air. He found it slightly annoying as well. The scout wondered why someone was trying to annoy him, couldn't they leave him alone? He felt something on his hand, it seemed familiar to him some how. His hand twitched as he tried to figure out what it was. It felt like another hand, but smaller. He suddenly remembered what happened.

Was it Raf? He wondered. No...the hand was bigger... more slender. He squeezed the fingers weakly, and felt something stir next to him. The scout weakly opened his eyes and stared at the ceiling. He blinked slowly and turned his head towards whoever was at his side.

"Bee?" Someone said shakily.

He stared at the person as his vision focused, and he looked into the eyes of Arcee. He smiled weakly and she choked back tears as she smiled back. She held his hand to her cheek and kissed it as she started to cry.

"Optimus!" She cried and turned back to the scout. The leader came over and smiled slightly as he looked down at the scout.

"Welcome back." Optimus said, and the scout smiled weakly at him.


Three hours later.

Rachet heard people talking excitedly, but it didn't sound like the kids. He slowly opened his eyes and looked around. He saw Bumblebee sitting on the edge of the berth smiling as the team talked to him. The doctor stared up at the ceiling and smiled to himself. He was glad the young scout was doing alright. He sighed and closed his eyes for a moment as his body started to relax.

"How are you feeling?" Someone asked softly. He felt a hand brush his hair to the side, and he looked over to see the nurse smiling at him.

"I'm not sure..." He said furrowing his brow. June smiled and held his hand. She looked down and her smile faded slightly.

"There's something you want to say." He said as he read the worry on her face. She bit her lip and nodded slowly as tears started to come. He reached up and cupped a hand over her cheek.

"June..." He winced as he shifted and suddenly felt tired. "If you don't want to tell me right now, then don't." She nodded slowly and squeezed her eyes shut, not trusting herself to speak. She leaned down and kissed him on the forehead. He closed his eyes and smiled slightly before drifting off to sleep.


Later that day when the kids had arrived at the base, both men were awake. After an hour of the kids talking to them and asking questions, they wandered off to let them rest. Bulkhead and Wheeljack took Miko out someplace, they didn't really say where. Jack went with Smokescreen to town, because Arcee insisted on staying. Optimus was in another room talking to Agent Fowler, while June sat and quietly talked with Rachet.

Arcee walked into the med room and saw Raf sitting next to the scout as he showed him some book. She smiled to herself as she watched them for a moment. Raf laughed about something and looked up at the young man. He smiled big and ruffled the boys hair. Arcee walked over to them and cleared her throat as the two boys started to wrestle. They looked up at her and she raised an eyebrow.

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