Chapter 20

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The base was quite as June and Arcee continued to monitor the two patients. Bulkhead and Smokescreen were helping Agent Fowler at the computer. They had located the Nemesis and were trying to get an aircraft that could approach quietly. They suddenly heard tires screeching wildly up the tunnel. Everyone looked up as a yellow muscle car roared up and screeched to a halt. June walked towards the car as it turned off.

She stumbled back as Raf jumped out and hugged her tightly, he buried his head and cried. She looked at the other two with confusion as they got out and walked over.

"What happened?" Arcee asked running over. The three men walked towards them. "Where's Bumblebee?" She asked. Raf cried a little louder, while the other two looked at the ground. Arcee felt her stomach twist, and a pain in her heart.

"Guys what happened?" Smokescreen pressed.

"We...were...attacked by Desepticons." Jack mumbled. The room was quite except for Rafs crying.

"What happened to Bee?" Arcee asked again, she felt her heart beat faster and she was afraid to hear the answer. Raf looked at her tears still falling.

"Jack left him..." Raf sobbed. They looked at the teenage boy in surprise.

"You....What?" Arcee asked disbelieving. The boy looked at the ground.

"He asked us to...they were over powering him and came after us...I didn't know what else to do..." Jack trailed off. Raf let go of June and turned to the older boy. He pushed his glasses up and glared at him angrily.

"We could have helped!" The little boy yelled. "Fought them! Anything!" He clenched his fists as fresh angry tears started to fall.

"Bumblebee was doing what he could to protect us! That's all he ever does!" He was close to screaming now. The room went deadly silent as the little boy glared at the other.

"I didn't know what else to do..." Jack said quietly.

"You....left him..." Raf choked back more tears. "My best gone." He glared at the older boy again. They were quite for a moment.

"I hate you..." Raf muttered angrily. The boy turned and ran out of the room.

"Raf wait!" Jack called as he moved to go after him. The teen felt a hand on his shoulder and he stopped.

"Let him go....he needs some space." Smokescreen said. Jack hung his head and wondered if he did the right thing.


The scout slowly opened his eyes. His body hurt all over and he hoped nothing was broken, considering he was hit by a car. He groaned quietly and realized he was laying on a cold, long, thin bed. No bench. He wasn't sure. He heard a low deep hum and the room felt like it dropped a little. He realized he was in an aircraft. The scout looked over and saw some drones sitting across the room, staring at him. He rubbed his face and groaned inwardly, this wasn't going to be an easy escape.

The aircraft started to dive than pulled up sharply. It shook as it landed and slowed down. The drones got up and walked over to him. One grabbed him by the shirt and yanked him up roughly. They pinned his arms behind him so he wouldn't fight back. The four drones pushed him roughly towards the door and out of the aircraft. He looked around and realized they were in a hangar. He felt a chill run down his spine as he saw the Desepticon insignia. He had a sneaking suspicion that he was on the Nemesis.

They stopped and waited for the elevator. Bee looked around at the hanger, and wondered if he could fly one of the aircrafts. He noticed one drone crouching next to them trying to fix something he couldn't see. Bee smiled mischievously as an idea came to him.

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