Chapter 23

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The next day.

Rachet paced the room as he tossed the wrench up and down. Bumblebee leaned against the wall and glared at the door, as if he were daring it to open. They waited for a half hour before they heard someone approaching.

"Ready?" The doctor whispered. The young man nodded.

Bumblebee crouched down and pressed his back against the wall. The doctor hid the tool in his pocket and faced the door. They waited for a moment and the door opened. The prisoners glared at the lone man that entered the room.

"Hello Autobot scum." Starscream sneered, he stepped into the room, and the door closed behind him. They scowled at him.

"How did you get away from the police?" Rachet growled.

"Megatron has his ways." The con smirked. "You doctor, are to come with me." He said pulling out a gun. Bumblebee jumped to his feet and the con aimed his gun at the young mans head.

"Ah ah ah. Your turn will come soon enough. Shockwave can use you as a test subject for his experiment." He said smiling wickedly. Rachet stepped forward to punch him, and the con pressed the barrel against his forehead.

"Don't try anything doctor, or I'll shoot." They glared at each other. "Just come with me and nobody gets hurt." He said. The con turned his head back to open the door, but kept the gun pressed against the doctors head. The scout took a deep breath as he realized this might be their only chance to escape.

When the door completely opened, Bumblebee used the wall to propel himself forward and tackled the con, they slid out into the hallway. He pinned Starscream down, the con yelled in surprise and Bee kicked the gun away. Rachet ran over as the scout punched the con in the face and knocked him out. Bee jumped off the con, sighed heavily and smirked up at the doctor.

Rachet looked down the hallways and made sure the coast was clear. He motioned to the scout to help him and they took the con into their cell. They took the pass key he had used to open the door, and a few other things. They looked at each other.

"Our options to get off the Nemesis are not very many. We can either try to get ahold of Optimus and hope he gets here in time. Or we can try and bridge ourselves back, except Soundwave can intercept both options." The doctor said thoughtfully. He scratched his chin as he thought. Bumblebee looked up at him and grinned from ear to ear.

"What?" Rachet grumbled as he looked at the scout. Bee held one hand out palm up and used his finger to run off his palm and make a loop de loop in the air. The doctors eyes widened.

"Are you suggesting we fly out of here, on one of the aircrafts?" He said disbelieving. The scout smirked and touched his nose.

"That's crazy! Neither of us know how to drive one." The medic said slightly annoyed. Bee smiled, jumped up and walked out the cell door, he looked around and motioned for the doctor to follow. Rachet left the cell and closed the door, he grabbed the scouts shoulder as he tried to walk away.

"Do you even know where to go?" He hissed quietly. Bee touched his nose again and than the side of his head. He cautiously moved forward and peered around every corner before proceeding. As they past one hallway, Rachet glanced down it and he felt the knot again.

"Wait." He whispered softly, the scout looked at him. "We can't leave yet." He said looking at the floor as he thought of a plan. Bee frowned and pointed towards the elevator.

"I know....but I have to stop Shockwave." He said looking back at the scout. "I'll be back." He muttered as he headed down the hall. A hand grabbed his shoulder. Bumblebee narrowed his eyes, pointed at himself than at him.

"No...I can't.... You might..." He sighed and looked at the ground. Bee knew the doctor was concerned for his safety, so he figured he would help in a different way. He patted his friends shoulder, pointed to himself than made a loop de loop in the air with his finger.

"I don't think you can learn to fly in such a short amount of time." Rachet growled. Bumblebee smirked, mock saluted and walked to the elevator.

"Bumblebee." He hissed quietly. The scout turned, smiled at him and signed that he would get them out of there. "Just be careful..." The doctor whispered. He was still worried about the scouts injury. Bee signed that he was always careful and disappeared.

"Not always..." Rachet mumbled and he went to the lab.


The doctor hid around the corner as he watched to the lab doors. He knew Shockwave would be in there, but he had a feeling someone else was with him. The medic knew he needed to slip in somehow unnoticed. He pulled out the wrench and gripped it tightly as he saw the doors open. A drone walked out and stopped in the doorway as he read something. Rachet bit his lower lip and walked along the wall as the drone turned his back to him. The drone started to walk away.

Rachet quietly slipped in and immediately hid behind one of the machines next to the door. He peaked out and his heart stopped as he saw Shockwave and Megatron facing the computer screen. They seemed to be the only ones in the room, and were quietly talking to each other.

The doctor smiled as an idea came to him, and he looked at the tool in his hand. He kept an eye on the villains as he walked out of hiding. When he was in position, he tossed the wrench in the air and caught it again. Taking aim he smirked and threw the wrench as hard as he could. It hit Megatron in the back of the head and the leader crumpled to the floor. Shockwave looked at his fallen superior his eyes wide in surprise and confusion. The doctor smirked again.

"I've always wanted to do that." Rachet muttered to himself. Shockwave turned around and glared at him.

"Your attempts to stop us is...." He looked down at the wrench on the floor. "Irregular." He said raising an eyebrow.

"At least it works." Rachet growled angrily. He ran at the con and swung to punch him. The con ducked and moved away from the computer.

The doctor swung and kicked at the scientist, who easily dodged. He felt frustrated that the con was toying with him. Shockwave laughed as he continued to dodge. The scientist opened his mouth to say something, and the medic swung again. He hit the con in the face. Shockwave growled and wiped the blood from his mouth.

"It is illogical to try and stop me." He growled angrily as he glared at him.

"Illogical maybe. But not impossible." Rachet grumbled and he punched the con again.

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