Chapter 24

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The elevator opened and he looked into the hall. When he didn't see anyone he stepped out and looked around. He frowned when he realized he was in the wrong place. Turning around he summoned the elevator, but it didn't come. The sound of footsteps approaching filled his ears. He whipped around and peered around the corner. He didn't see anyone and he pressed himself against the wall to remain inconspicuous.

He listened as the footsteps got closer then held his breath as two men passed him. The scouts eyes widened as he recognized them, Knockout and Soundwave. His heart pounded in his ears and he was worried they would hear. Soundwave stopped a few feet in front of him, his back to the scout. Bee wanted to move but was afraid the con would see him if he even twitched.

As quick as lightning, Soundwave whipped around and pressed a metal rod against the scouts neck. The two silent men stared at each other for a moment. Bees heart was pounding loudly in his chest, as he watched the cons finger hover over a button on the rod.

"Wow. How did you know he was there?" Knockout asked in surprise.

The con remained silent as the two men glared at each other. Bumblebees mind was racing as he tried to figure out how to get out of this situation. Soundwave jerked his head sharply towards the hallway to indicate for the man to move. Unsure what else to do, the scout moved into the hallway. The con kept the rod against his neck as they moved.

Knockout led the way back to the cell. Bumblebee knew he had to get away, he had to get to the hangar. He took a deep breath and concentrated. The scout grabbed the cons arm and pushed it away from himself. He twisted his hand until the con let go of the rod, than he kicked it away. Soundwave punched him, and the two men started to fight each other. Knockout picked up the rod and turned the electricity on. He jabbed it at Bumblebee who jumped away. The rod struck Soundwave in the side and he stiffened as the electricity flowed through him. Bumblebee took a few steps back. Knockouts eyes widened, as Soundwave fell to the ground.

"Oh crap...." Knockout muttered knowing the con would not be happy when he came to.

The scout turned and ran as fast as he could down one of the halls. He didn't stop as he slid around a corner. He pushed himself to go faster but he had no idea where he was going. He rounded another corner and something smacked him in the face. The scout fell on the ground slightly dazed. He sat up, rubbed his face and looked up. Standing in front of him was a tall thin woman with black hair two yellow streaks, and she had a long metal staff.

"Hello handsome." She smirked. Bee glared up at her.

"Arachnid." He thought angrily.


Shockwave punched Rachet again than kicked him, the doctor fell to his knees and grabbed his side. He grit his teeth and panted heavily. The con walked back to the computer and typed again. Rachet groaned and stumbled to his feet. He picked up the wrench and swung it at Shockwaves head. The con ducked and smacked him, the doctor fell back down.

"Your attempts are futile and pathetic." Shockwave growled as he walked over to him. The con grabbed the doctors hair and threw him further away. Rachet groaned as he hit one of the machines. "Trying to stop us is extremely illogical."

He growled as the doctor got up and swung at him again. Rachet managed to hit him and Shockwave smacked, then kicked him. The con put his hands around the medics throat and squeezed. Rachet clawed at the cons hands and tried to kick him.

"Give up already. You've lost." The scientist growled as he pushed harder. The doctor looked over and saw his wrench on the ground. He reached for it as the con continued to choke him. His fingers barely touched the tool and he groaned as he struggled to grab it.

"Your life ends here." Shockwave seethed as he tightened his hold.

Rachet felt himself blacking out, he managed to grab the wrench and smack it into Shockwaves head. With what strength he had left he kicked Shockwave over his head with both legs. The scientist collided into a machine and fell to the floor. Rachet coughed and gasped for air. He rolled to his side, looked up and his eyes widened. The machine that Shockwave had slammed into started to fall towards him. The doctor rolled away as the machine came crashing down.

He coughed again as he looked up to see Shockwave struggling to get out from underneath the machine. The con yelled angrily as he tried to get free. The doctor grabbed the wrench put it in his pocket, and stumbled to his feet. He staggered over to the computer and started typing. He heard a groan, looking down he saw Megatron coming back around. He dropped the wrench on the cons head and knocked him out again.

After a few minutes, Rachet had found the proper way to completely destroy the research. He tried sending it to the base but it was encrypted and he didn't have time to hack it. The only option was to destroy it. He hesitated as his finger hovered over the button.

"If you delete that, you'll remain human forever!" Shockwave yelled angrily.

The doctor thought about what would happen if he didn't stop the cons, but what if he did? It would take them longer to become Cybertronian again. He sighed heavily and hung his head as he gripped the desk. He felt torn between saving the world and being normal again.

"Face it doctor, you've lost." Shockwave seethed. He pushed on the machine again. "There is absolutely no logical way for you to succeed." He growled angrily as he tried to get unstuck. The doctor felt a pain in his heart as he realized the con was right.

"You right about one thing..." The doctor muttered. Shockwave smirked as he looked up at him.

"Saving the earth will prevent me from becoming Cybertronian." He glared over his shoulder at the con. "But at least I won't have to live with the guilt of mutating an entire planet." He smashed the button and deleted the whole project.

"NO!!" Shockwave yelled angrily.

Rachet picked up the wrench and put it back in his pocket. He grabbed Megatrons sword and looked at the computers hard drive. He stabbed the machine and quickly let go as electricity shot up the sword. He felt guilty for having the solution for his team and destroying it before he could help them. His stomach twisted into a knot as he felt guilty for letting his team down.

"You'll pay for this!!" Shockwave screamed angrily.

"I already have..." Rachet muttered as he walked out of the lab.

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