Surprisingly enough, this doesn't seem weird to me.

Start from the beginning

                                                                                                *** *** ***

I woke up, not knowing what day it was, and feeling like a lemon that had been dropped in a pile of shit.

“Wil, you okay?” Hermione’s voice called to me. My ears were all fuzzed up.

I’M DYING or I’m melodramatic, one of the two.

“Hermione.” I said. Or I tried to say. My voice was all bleh, and it was sore. “I’m diseased.”

It sounded more like I had said. “Like trees.”

“I’m getting Madam Pomfrey.” I heard Hermione’s voice tell me.

“But sheep.” I pleaded.

“I don’t know if you’re retarded or can’t speak properly.” Hermione sighed as she left the room.

Next thing I knew, I was moved into the hospital wing, and Madam Pomfrey couldn’t come up with a diagnosis.

“We’re going to have to shoot her because it’s an unknown disease.” Madam Pomfrey explained to Hermione.

“Quarantine?” Hermione suggested.

“Or that, but my option is better.”

It’s really bad to realise your best friend and the nurse have become really close because of my frequent visits.

Really Really bad.

“Yeah, she is a pain. Shooting her is really our only option.” McGonagall added in.

When did she get here? What’s going on?

Hey, my eyes are closed.

The hell?

I always end up with the weirdest stories. For example: I punched Voldemort in the face while he burst out of the back of some guy’s skull. I fought a basilisk in the chamber of secrets and saved my friend’s little sister from having her soul sucked out and bringing Voldemort to life. I found out I’m Harry’s sister. My friend’s rat was actually a mass murderer and a Voldemort supporter. I apparate to wherever Harry is at random points in time.

What can I say, I’m different.

“Drink this.” Madam Pomfrey said as she poured something down my throat.

And BAM! I was asleep.

                                                                *** *** *** *** ***

I’ll tell you what sucks? When you’re locked in a quarantined room because you have some mystery illness, you can’t see your friends, you can’t help your brother work out how to get through the second task, and you don’t even know what the task is because you’re locked away from the rest of the school.

That’s what sucks.

Do you know what’s even worse? When the room is magic-proof and no one even thought of giving you books to read.

That’s what’s worse.

And do you know how to trump all of that with the worst thing in existence?

I have an unlimited supply of peanut butter sandwiches, but I don’t like peanut butter.


They didn’t even give me nutella.

Or a trace of chocolate.

Not even anything but water to drink.


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