Just a dream

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I was lying in a bed in the hospital wing. The curtains are up. I really don’t remember getting here. Awkward. I felt like running, yet I had been strapped down to the bed. Weird. I looked down at my restraints, and saw that one of my arms was bandaged up.

What the hell happened last night? My foot hurts, my arm is bandaged, I’m strapped into the bed and I’m in the hospital wing. Oww, my head hurts too. Okay, this just gets weirder and weirder.

As I lay in bed, I tried hard to remember everything, but failed.

Before I knew it, Madam Pomfrey had stridden into the room, and was looking rather frightening with a bruise across her face.

 “What the hell happened last night?” I said before I could stop myself.

“You honestly cannot remember?” Madam Pomfrey said in a very rude and accusing way.


“Well, I don’t know what happened for a fair part of the time, but you were very violent, and you punched me in the face. Then you proceeded to tell me that you had tried to fist bump me, but I failed.” She told me.

“I was violent?” I said in shock.

“Yeahuh!” Madam Pomfrey said in a very strange voice.  “My cheek hurts. You like to cause pain don’t you?”

She left and after a few frightening moments, of wondering what I had done, Dumbledore turned up, looking grave.

He took a seat beside my bed and just looked at me.

“Willow, Willow, Willow.” He sighed. “You do have a tendency of causing destruction around the school. I have had several recounts of the events of last night, or early this morning.” He told me, trying to look through my eyes into my soul. “But, I think it is necessary for everyone to come and give you their personal recounts because I probably have my facts wrong. Shit happens when you eat lemons.”

“Did I kill anyone?” I asked, slightly nervous.

“No, but you hospitalised sixteen people.”

I gaped at the air.

“Bu-nu-ma-ha-no-ig-fli-spid-crom-pip-shi” I made a whole bunch of sounds, as I was incapable of speech.

“Don’t worry, three of them merely came here from shock.” Dumbledore said. Somehow that failed to calm me. “I’ll go. Mr. Weasley is the first to speak to you.” he meowed and left.

Ron walked in, looking rather amused at me, despite the bandage around his head.

“Cut the crap, just tell me what I did, I’m losing my mind.” I said rather desperately.

“Well, you passed out, and I went to try to grab you before you hit the ground and George came and helped.” Ron drew a breath. “Then you woke up and knocked me out. Causing pain and devastation, like you normally do. They said I had to go when I finished telling you.” he shrugged and left.

Seamus walked in next.

“Okay. So you passed out, Ron grabbed you, George helped cause Ron has no muscles, you woke up, punched Ron in the face, he was knocked out. Then George said something to you, and you kicked him in a very, very, painful area.” He pointed dramatically to his crotch.

“And you sprinted from the room, kicking anyone in your way. Umm, so you started to crawl down the stairs, and you sounded like golem. You know, from Lord of the Rings? Yes, no? Okay. Anyway, McGonagall came, and you started throwing things at her, before you jumped off the staircase...We thought...you...you know, died or something. McGonagall was freaking out. She told us to go back to our dorms...” He smiled like it was funny and left.

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