School Reveal

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Credit goes to ShadowedTime for this idea :3

Today was just a normal day. School was in session, Marinette was late, and the topic for the class discussion was Ladybug and Chat Noir.

Wait, what?

Okay, that was new. It caught the attention of everyone in the room, even the teenagers who usually spaced out. Because who doesn't love Paris' heroes? Besides Hawkmoth. Ha, got you there.

Anyway, so the topic was interesting for once.

"Now, class," Madame Bustier began, "I will call you up, one at a time, and you will share a few ideas on what you think of Ladybug and Chat Noir. Others will ask you a few questions on your opinion, and you will answer them. We'll begin with... Alya."

Alya skipped up to the front, a huge grin on her face.

"My favorite topic for our two heroes is their relationship! The way Chat Noir flirts with Ladybug is just so cute!"

Alya did a little fangirl squeal as she was talking, earning chuckles and giggles all around the room.

Adrien was ecstatic to hear that people thought he and his Lady were in a relationship, while Marinette was pale and suddenly wanted to fall into a dark hole.

At the end of Alya's little rant, a few hands went up, Marinette's being one.

"Yeah, Mari?"

"W-what makes you th-think that they're in a re-relationship?"

"How can you not think that?! They're perfect for each other!!"

Alya was so excited to be talking about this, and to find that her best friend didn't share her view was a little disappointing.

"Girl, they are literally an OTP!!"

Marinette was slowly sinking into her seat, but no one seemed to notice. Except Adrien. He noticed, and wondered why she didn't agree like the rest of the class.

"Thank you, Alya, for your, rather detailed, explanation of your opinion. Marinette, since you seem to be against this, why don't you share?" Madame Bustier said.

Marinette gulped before making her way, slowly, to the front of the classroom. Adrien watched with his full attention on her, wanting to know why she was against him and Ladybug dating.

"I-I, um, I just think that, uh... Ladybug rejects Chat Noir all the time! Yeah! Th-that's why I think, um, that they're n-not d-dating or anything. Because, what if they don't even know each other's identities? That would be difficult to be in a relationship."

As she was talking, Marinette seemed to lose her nervous stutter, gaining confidence as she went along.

"So I that's why I think they're not together," she finished.

Adrien's hand shot up.

"Y-yes? A-Adrien?"

"Well, what if they put on a show? For the media? And the bad guy? What if they do know each other's identities, and they are together, but just don't show it?"

"That is a very good point, Adrien!" Madame Bustier was amazed at all of these different points of view. And only two people had gone up so far!

By now, it was clear to everyone that Marinette was mad. As none of them had ever seen her upset quite like this, they were unsure of what she would do. No one even had an inkling as to why she was mad, either.

"I know for a fact that they are not together," she said through gritted teeth.

"Really? Prove it!" Adrien challenged.

The whole class were on the edge of their seats, waiting in suspense to see what would happen.

Caught up in the spur of the moment, Marinette complied.

"Tikki, spots on!"

A pink flash, and Ladybug stood in her place. Her hands were on her hips as she glared at Adrien. Adrien, of all people!

His mouth hung open in shock, and the room was coated in a heavy silence.

"Chat Noir and I are not in a relationship," she stated firmly.

Adrien stood up slowly, and everyone, still silent, watched in awe.

"Marinette? You're Ladybug?"

At that, she seemed to lose confidence, her face going pale.


"Ah, don't worry, my Lady! You will never be alone, so long as I am around!"

And with a smirk, Adrien disappeared, to be replaced by (you guessed it) Chat Noir.

And that was when the room descended into complete and utter chaos.

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