12: The Ties That Bind

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"Maddie?" Their two voices mixed as one and confusion, albeit happy sounding, coated their voices.

Maddie's golden locks flowed out around her as she spun around in surprise. "Oh my god!" She exclaimed, jumping in shock and placing a hand over her heart. "Don't sneak up on me!" A moment later her mind caught up with the situation and she glanced at her watch with a frown, thinking she had stayed to long. Nope, it's not time for her to come yet...

As if reading her mind, Bonnie started to explain. "I-I wanted to show Elena the coffins..." She stuttered, unsure about how to handle the situation. She had known that the younger witch had been coming to try and open the coffins because Stefan had told her as much. In light of what her friend had said a few days ago, she had let it slide, like Maddie had said, she had been a witch for a while and Bonnie was trusting her to keep herself under control and safe. Plus Maddie had made it clear that she didn't want to talk to them, but there was no avoiding it now... The only question was, should they bring up what happened or just pretend that it didn't happen? It seemed that she didn't need to make the choice because Elena spoke next.

As she gazed at the different coffins she muttered, "So these are the rest of his family?" After a quick thought, she had decided to save confronting Maddie for later and just hope that she decided to stay long enough to talk to them for now. Both she and Bonnie waited with baited breath for the blonde Mikaelson witch to say something, and let out matching sighs when she did.

"Yeah." She muttered under her breath, deciding that since they had already caught her down here, she could be pissed and helpful at the same time. She glanced down at Elijah's gray corpse before striding over to the other two and opening them both, naming the inhabitants inside as she went. "You already know Elijah. This is Finn and Kol." She introduced almost as if they were living.

Then, still with bit of hesitancy, Elena asked, "Wait- how do you know which one's which?" and pointed to the brothers.

Maddie, being tired and grumpy as it was absently muttered. "I saw them in dreams." Under her breath, but then quickly moved on, shaking her head a bit to clear it. "That's the one we can't open." She prompted.

Bonnie waited for the girl to further explain but to her disappointment, Maddie just walked back across the room to her Grimoire that was still laying open onto of the locked coffin. So she walked over and gently shut the grimoire that she was looking at and muttered. "I don't think you'll need to look anymore." Maddie frowned, irritation clear on her face, but that only ushered Bonnie more quickly into her explanation. "I think I know how we can open it."

Maddie, to both older girl's surprise, smiled. "Great!" She said in an almost cheerful manner before picking up the spell book she had been looking at and courtly quipping. "I guess that means I can leave." Without another word the girl started towards the stairs only to be stopped when Stefan's hand wrapped around her arm.

"What the hell did you two do?" He asked monotonously, looking back and forth between the two witches after sending a glance towards Elena. He had given them two jobs. To open the coffin and not to tell Elena. Stefan didn't think that was so hard, just do your job and keep your mouth shut, but in the course of two weeks they hadn't done either and Klaus was getting antsy.

Maddie sent his a glare, but didn't use any magic to make him let go. He wasn't worth it. "Well it wasn't me." She snapped, frustration coming off her in waves.

Stefan's frown stayed for a moment before he let out a dry chuckle and muttered, "Right. You four are 'fighting' aren't you." half to himself, half to the group as Maddie tugged her arm free from his grasp. He dismissed her by giving a quick nod towards the steps and heard the witch let out a frustrated huff before she started out of the witch house. "I needed you to keep her out of it, Bonnie." The vampire said darkly, turning to look at the Bennett witch once more and going back to the conversation at hand. Then despite himself, he let out a small chuckle as he heard a sound coming from the upper floor with his vampire hearing.

The Originals's Sister (The Vampire Diaries Fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora