5: Making Memories

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Update: July 2,2015
I don't own TVD only Maddie and my plot line :)


Matt opened the door to one of the classrooms and stepped inside, looking around. He took another step forward and a snapping sound erupted in the room and traveled through it.

Matt jumped, frightened, and hit the lights as quickly as he could. When he looked around he saw all of his friends on the floor setting up mousetraps that had just snapped shut thanks to him.

"AWW! Come on!" Caroline exclaimed when she realised that the prank was ruined. She stood up and threw her arms in the air, upset, before stomping her foot. "Seriously?! Do you know how long it took to set all this up?!"

Tyler, Bonnie and Elena all stood up as well. All of them looking disappointed, but for different reasons. Caroline was upset about the prank being ruined, but her friends, except for Tyler were just worried Care would make them set everything up again.

Tyler leaned against a TV and looked over at his friend. "Forgot about senior prank night huh?" He inferred as he took in his friend's shock and sweat. He looked like he had just finished running a marathon with how much he was sweating.

Matt nodded still trying to calm down from the scare he got. "Clearly." he agreed.

"How could you forget? We've only been waiting for this since, like, freshmen year!" The blonde vampire exclaimed, shocked. She didn't see how he wasn't into this! Then Elena spoke up.

"Yeah Matt. If I'm doing this," she pointed to herself with her flashlight. "Your doing this." She pointed towards him with the flashlight as she finished.

"I'm kinda surprised any of you are doing this." he admitted with a shrug. He looked around at all of his friends and saw a mixture of opinions on their faces.

Tyler threw his hands up in a 'really' gesture and Bonnie spoke up for the first time.

"Caroline's making us."

Caroline sighed and then explained, "We are about to be seniors. These are the memories that will stay with us forever and-" Elena chuckled before finishing the now well-known speech for her friend.

"if we don't create these memories now than whats the point of it all." She had already heard this a few times when Caroline was convincing her that she should still come along. She couldn't help but smile at Caroline's slightly flustered look though, and she wasn't alone, Bonnie had to bite her lip to keep from smiling.

"Go ahead, make fun. I don't care." Caroline retorted as Tyler threw a duffel bag over his shoulder.

"Your all lame, and I've got ten more classrooms to prank." He said with a smirk, heading for the door.

Caroline beamed at his attitude towards prank night Then saw Elena walking towards the door.

"Hey." Bonnie said, and the brunette turned around. "Where are you going?"

Elena shrugged and casually stated. "To superglue Alaric's desk shut." Caroline shot her a million watt smile. "Making memories." Elena flashed a sly grin and left.

"I love you!" Caroline called after her. Then she turned to Matt again, "Hey, is your sister at home?" She asked and he nodded, looking confused.

Bonnie walked over to stand next to Caroline as the vampire pulled out her cell and started dialing. "Care, what are you doing?"

"Shh!" Caroline scolded softly as she waited for Maddie to pick up. The phone rang once, then twice, then three times before Maddie finally picked up.

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