4: Oh Witch

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Updated: June 18,2015


I do not own TVD, just my charries and plots,

I know this chapter is a little rough but bare with me I was having a little bit of writters block...

Rebekah and Klaus look up as Stefan strolled into the bar. Chairs were turned upside down on top of all the tables, since it was closed. When he looked around he noticed that Gloria, the witch was sitting at the center table, the only one that was being used, with a grimoire and a dozen candles of all different sizes. Her eyes were closed in concentration as her hands hovered above the yellowing text.

"You left us." Rebekah stated, now dressed in modern clothing. She was lounging on the bar, with her legs cross and her feet resting casually on a stool. Klaus sat next to her, drink in hand.

"Yeah." Stefan sighed as he started down the steps. "Sorry, retail therapy was making my head explode." He explained.

"Tell me about it." Klaus groaned in agreement, while Rebekah pouted. The younger vampire looked at the witch again and cautiously asked.

What's she doing?"

"She's failing." Klaus said pointedly, sending Gloria a frown.

"Its hard to find something when you don't have anything to go on." Gloria muttered irritatedly, her eyes still closed as she tried to focus despite the chatter of the three vampires distracting her.

"Then use me." Rebekah chimed in, sitting up straight on the edge of the bar. "I only wore it for a thousand years." She hopped of elegantly, her blonde waves bouncing as she landed on the ground.

"See, now this one offers a solution." Gloria approved of Rebekah's idea, holding out her hand as the vampire walked over. "Alright, give me your hand sweetheart." She said, and the blonde hopped up to sit on the table as she placed her hand in Gloria's.

Stefan watched wearily and slowly asked. "So, she's uh... She's looking for the necklace, huh?" Klaus cocked his head and looked over at his wingman. He would have been suspicious, but he didn't see what Stefan could want with the necklace so he let it go for now.


Back at the Gilbert household, Elena and Caroline were bustling around the kitchen as Bonnie sat across the counter talking with them and watching their work.

"Downside of my dad's normal side of the family is normal made for a really boring summer." The witch reported with a sigh.

Elena gave her a slight nod but had a 'really' look on her face before Caroline spoke up and said exactly what she had been thinking.

"Over the last few days, I would kill for a normal family." the normally bubbly blonde replied as she carried a pot over to the center counter. Then the three turned as a new voice spoke up, sounding amused.

"Better be careful with jokes like that in this town, Care."

Bonnie's face broke into a shocked but cheerful expression. "MADDIE!" She exclaimed, getting up and hurrying to hug her friend.

Maddie met her halfway and the two exchanged excited greetings. Elena and Caroline smiled at them, knowing this was the first time Bonnie had seen Maddie since last year when she left.

"Hey, Bon." Maddie greeted with a laugh, still hugging her.

"When did you get back? And more importantly, why didn't anyone tell me?" She asked and then turned to look at Elena and Caroline.

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