Chapter 41

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*Bristol's Point Of View*
Santanna walked down the stairs carrying a binder. Ever since we were little, she's always been obsessed over weddings. I don't know if it was weddings, or marriage that she loved. She's always thought that giving yourself to someone for the rest of your life,was so fascinating. She was smiling from ear to ear.

"Are you ready for this?" She asked me with a smile.

"Hell yeah!" I said.

"I CAN'T believe our 'plan' worked out. I mean...we're marrying Andy and Ashley! I'm still wondering if this is a dream or not!" She exclaimed. I heard Ashley stir, and so did she. She quieted down as he got up off the couch with a groan. Shuffling to the fridge, he sighed.

"What's wrong with you?" Santanna asked as he walked over and layed his head on my shoulder. I smiled. His hair smelled so good.

"I'm tireddddddd." He mumbled.

"Oh boo-hoo. Go cuddle with Andy." Santanna chuckled.

"Ok! I will!" He crybaby. He headed up the stairs as Santanna and I watched him. Sure enough, he opened up her bedroom door and walked in. We shot each other a funny look and then erupted in laughter.

"Oh, wow." Santanna laughed.

"I can't believe this..." I said.

"I can! I honestly didn't expect anything less!"

"No kidding." I agreed.

"Okay...we should really go over the wedding stuff." Santanna told me.

"Yeah. We need to get this figured out. Lord knows THEY ain't gonna help!" I said with a laugh.

"For real." She grinned.

Santanna and worked on wedding plans for about 3 hours while the boys slept.

"Ok, so this is what we've come up with so far..." Santanna started in, obviously having had had enough wedding preparation for the day.

"...The wedding is going to be on April 24th, at 6 pm, that is if we can get a venue for that time. We're going to suggest to the guys that they play atleast one song at the reception, but we aren't going to force them. We're going with a rose bouquet, including the colors black, yellow, pink, and a little white." She listed off to me.

"I wonder if the guys are gonna catch our color theme or not." I laughed.

"They better. The pink, white and some of the black is for Ashley's obsession with Hello Kitty, and the rest of the black and the yellow is for Andy's obsession with Batman! If they don't catch that, plus the pins that will hold together the ribbon on the bouquets, I'm gonna be MAD!" Santanna exclaimed.


"Ok. I've had enough of this. Let's go watch TV or something." Santanna said as she got up from the table.

"Agreed." I said as I got up.

"Maybe after a little while, the guys will get up." I added.

"Them? Get up before noon? Are you on crack?" Santanna asked as she shot me a wierd look.

"For real. What was I thinking?" I laughed as I sat on the couch.

Santanna and I got into a Doctor Who marathon, and forgot about the world around us. This was our SHOW man! After about four episodes, Andy and Ashley walk down the stairs.

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