Chapter 2: I Am The Innocence

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"Just a little bit longer." I whispered to myself as I stood in front of the bathroom mirror. I tried to apply my eyeliner in one straight line, but how straight can you get when can't keep yourself from shaking because of all your anxiety and stress. I straightened my wavy brown hair one piece at a time. I might be a mess, but I'm gonna be the prettiest damn mess you've ever layed your eyes on. I walked across the small, shaggy carpeted excuse for my room to my closet that was no bigger than a refrigerator box. I guess there's nothing else you can do when you have no parents anymore and you spend all your time after school working your low-paying job as a fast-food server. I scanned my closet for something that would be ok to wear in the Fall since all of my clothes were falling apart. I finally decided on a pair of slightly faded skinny jeans, a long sleeved Black Veil Brides t-shirt, and a pair of thrift store black Vans. I gathered my stuff (what little stuff I had, that is) and hurried out the door. I had no where to go and a long time to get there.

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