Instead we all just had the large dinner Aunt Brenda prepared for us and hung out like old times.

"I really wish y'all could've gotten here earlier." My aunt said as she fixed herself a small plate of cake.

I was full off of the barbecue that sat in my stomach and the side dishes along with it buuut, a piece of homemade pound cake didn't sound to bad.

I stood, making a plate with a small piece of cake and took my original seat next to Hazel, folding my legs under me.

"Well you can blame Hazel for that," I cut my eyes at her, "she thought it'd be a great idea to try a new route here."

"Whatever, I thought we needed a change in scenery." She defended.

"Mhm," I rolled my eyes, "You seem to be doing a lot of that lately." I added.

"Ouu, somebody spill the tea, better yet spill the lemonade." Uncle Joey butted in.

I saved her the third degree, "No tea, or lemonade. Just a inside joke." I eyes her. There was indeed no inside joke.

Hazel and Chris had been heavily hanging out on the low. She'd be around with him a lot in the past month and they'd visibly gotten closer. She also thought I wouldn't notice, but August like to gossip as much as a female in a beauty salon. I found out my tea daily.

She only told me so much of their situation and I respected that but I love being nosey and Chris telling August, telling me, quenched my thirst.

"Damn." He side-eyed me before looking back at the TV screen. "Just get my hopes up why don'tcha." He mumbled under his breath.

"Anyways," I changed the subject, "So where did Matt run off to? Didn't show for dinner until after, and now he's gone again."

"Oh he's probably getting ready to go out or something," Brenda answered.

"Never home is he?" Hazel asked and she nodded with a fake smile.

I knew it was killing her that her only son, youngest child,would be leaving home in a few months.

"I wish he was home more, he's going off to college soon. Won't be seeing much of him just like y'all two." She pointed between me and Hazel.

"We visit when we can you know that," Hazel spoke up. I didn't say anything, instead I just played with my fingers not wanting to face the fact that we really don't visit as often as we should.

Uncle Joey nodded his head, "Lies you tell."

"Oh Joe, stop." Brenda hit him with the dish towel that sat on her shoulder. "Your birthday's coming up so we'll see you soon right?" She asked directed at me.

Soon? I thought about it, July twenty-first is definitely coming around soon. I feel like I just got of drinking age.

"Yes ma'am." I still answered.

"Aight y'all, I'm finna head out," Matt finally appeared from the back of the house.

"Aight y'all, I'm finna head out," Matt finally appeared from the back of the house

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Book 1: She's a Keeper | August Alsina (fin)Where stories live. Discover now