When you turn into a chibi||

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Requested by: Nishikino4maki


Medical ninja were in the hospital. They were working on a new medical herb that would help fatigue. They wanted to help the ninja that get tired during an intense battle. While the medical ninja were working, (Y/N) came in to observe. The Hokage had assigned the younger generation of Konohagakure to observe the daily life of a ninja. Most of the ninja and genin went with their sensai, however the children that were not ninja chose at random. (Y/N) had chose to watch the medical ninja. Others who had chosen the medical ninja were in different rooms spread out around the hospital. "Alright (Y/N), we're going to take a small break. Can we trust you to not touch anything?" The young girl nodded her head as an indication. As the ninja left, (Y/N) sat on a stool close by. When she was going to sit down, the stool fell. As (Y/N) fell she had knocked over many colorful test tubes. When the small girl got up, she noticed something. "Why is the table so big?" Surprised at the squeaky voice that she produced, (Y/N) started to panic. The sound of the door opening made (Y/N) stop in her tracks.

Naruto stood at the door. He had come to look for his newly found friend. (Y/N) had told him that she was going to observe the medical ninja. "(Y/N)!", the blonde genin yelled out. Naruto looked around, noticing that there was many broken test tubes everywhere. Different colored liquid covered the floor along with a lone stool. Starting to panic for his friend, Naruto ran around the room looking for the (E/C)-eyed girl. The small girl quickly hid underneath the fallen stool. Naruto looked under and over, pushed objects aside, and ran around the room. However, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't find (Y/N). Walking back to the broken test tubes and the stool, Naruto stretched his leg back to kick the stroll in anger. Until a tiny voice called out in worry, "Wait Naruto! Wait!" The fox-like male looked around the room, slowly moving his gaze down towards the stool. Picking the stool up, Naruto screamed in surprise. "(Y/N), is that you?", the genin asked with a curious tone in his voice. "Yeah, it's me.", the small girl reluctantly stated. For a few moments the room was quiet, until, "So cute!" Naruto picked up the (H/L)-haired girl, putting her eye-level with him. "You're so cute (Y/N)!", Naruto shouted happily. Trying to get out of his grip, the (E/C)-eyed female unlatched the finger around her mid-section. However, when she loosened his fingers, (Y/N) began to fall. "Ah!", a tiny voice squeaked. Naruto, seeing his friend fall, went to automatically catch her. Grabbing (Y/N) at the last second, Naruto took most of the fall. Suddenly a cloud of smoke rose from below Naruto. Opening his eyes, the blue-eyed male saw the uninsured female underneath him, who was, now, full size. As the female was about to thank Naruto, the medical ninja came back from their break, only to find broken beakers and Naruto on top of their observer. "Naruto!" The (H/C)-haired girl looked up towards the ceiling, 'Well, this could have been worse.'
366 words

Sasuke: Sasuke opened the door. The black-haired male walked into the room, seeing all the broken glass on the floor. Narrowing his eyes, Sasuke pulled out a kunai. "Alright, I know you're there. Come out", the cold tone made (Y/N) shiver. Slowly the female crept out from under a table she had quickly hid behind. Not noticing the tiny girl, Sasuke scanned the room. 'Does he really not see me?', the (E/C)-eyed girl thought. Walking closer, (Y/N) touched Sasuke's foot. However, the male wasn't prepared for the contact. Flicking his foot, he tossed the female into the wall. "Umph.", the tiny girl squeaked out. Sliding down the wall, the girl yelled out," Did you really have to do that?!" Making a confused noise, Sasuke turned just in time to see his classmate hit the ground. "Really (Y/N), we were told to observe, not touch." The black-haired male sighed in exasperation. The female, being fed up with her fellow classmate, decided to
repay him. "Hey Sasuke, mind coming over here for a second?" Looking at the (E/C)-eyed girl, the male shrugged. Seeing him moving towards her, (Y/N) readied her small fist. As Sauke  went towards (Y/N), he accidentally kicked an unbroken test tube towards the unsuspecting girl. The female moved her fist just as the vile broke around her. A puff of grey smoke rose into the air as Sauke was pushed back into the wall. "What did you that for?!", the angered male screamed. "Oh, my bad. I didn't think I would become big again at the moment I was going to hit you.", the non-apologetic female stated with slight pride in her voice. However, the door opened agin, this time it was the medical ninja. Rolling her eyes, (Y/N) thought, 'You have got to be kidding me.'
312 words

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