"Holy sh.it, Janel. You have to delete that! Like, right NOW!!!! Delete it!!!" Harry said frantically.

"I....ok?? I will! I was going to. But then as I listened to it, I started to get turned on from hearing us, and that's how I ended up touching myself. I didn't even realize I was doing it at first, but I could imagine you were here with me, and I could picture it all....and that's how I started..... I was gonna delete it after I was done, but I must have fallen right to sleep. And then when I woke up this morning, I ended up doing it again, and I still forgot...." I said to Harry.

Harry was silent again for a few seconds. I could hear him breathing. It sounded louder than before.

"My God, Janel. I can't wait to hear it all. I really can't. I'm already in a crazy state of mind just picturing you.....but listen Janel. You HAVE to delete that recording, right away. Do you know the craziness that would happen if that ever got out to the public? All it would take was for you to lose your phone. Or have it stolen.....Actually, put me on speaker, will you?"

"Umm...ok. Hold on..." I put the phone on speaker. "Ok" I told him.

"Ok. Go to the voice recorder, and delete that, right now, while I'm on the phone with you. I'll wait. Let me know when it's done. Actually, tell me exactly what things you push and what it says on the screen as you do it. Ok baby?" Harry ordered. He sounded panicked. I should have deleted it last night. What if he hadn't called today, and I went shopping with Bonnie, and lost my phone and someone found it? I could ruin Harry's whole career. Ruin his life! Shit. I felt stupid. Irresponsible.

I told Harry what I was pushing on my phone screen as I clicked around. I pulled up the recording, and slid it over to delete it. The confirmation came up. I pressed yes. And just like that, it was gone.

Harry sounded relieved. "Whew. That could have been pretty bad, baby. We have to be more careful with our phones! I know you didn't do it on purpose....we just have to maybe check stuff every day, to make sure there's nothing crazy on them! Wow." He breathed more relief breaths. "I actually would have LOVED to hear that recording. But I just couldn't take the chance. Sounds like it was pretty hot, eh? It got you going, obviously! Ha ha."

"Oh my God, Harry. It was like reliving that day again, listening to it. And you sounded so se.xy....it WAS hot. When I came in real life last night, I came with myself on the recording. Isn't that funny?" I asked him.

"Oh baby.....you're killing me. Dammit, I wish I didn't have to go in a few minutes. I'm so excited for you, though! You did it! Was it good? Did it feel great?" Harry asked.

"It DID feel great! I'm not sure, but it might have felt just as good as with you! The one this morning wasn't AS good as the one last night, but it was still really really awesome...." I described.

"Wait" Harry said, cutting me off again. "You did it twice?"

"Yeah! I didn't mean to this morning, but I was thinking about the recording and what I had done last night and it felt good..." I started to say, but Harry  cut me off again. "Oh jeeze Janel. You better stop there. Don't tell me any more, ok? My di.ck is aching to get out of my jeans now, and my manager Stan is coming to get me any minute. But save your story. I want to hear ALL about it....every single detail, but not until I get home, ok baby?"

"Ok. Sure! Will you call me again today? Or won't you have time?" I asked quickly before he had to go.

"I might have time later. I'm not sure. But if I do, I'll definitely call ya. Bonnie texted me earlier that you guys were going shopping today?"

"Yep. But I hardly want to go, now that I discovered what I could do all day by myself. Hee hee..." I giggled to him.

"Ohhhhh boy. You're fvcking killing me, you know that?" he said desperately. "Well, I really do have to go now. Ok?"

"Ok. Have a good day, Harry. I miss you and I love you." I told him fast.

"I miss you too, baby. Sooooo much. I love you. Talk to you soon." he said equally as fast.

The rest of the day was fun. I set aside my new body knowledge and skills, and forgot about my va.gina long enough to shop with Bonnie and her daughter. I got a few things. They got a few things. Mostly stuff we didn't need, but was cute. We had lunch in the food court. And then we decided at the last minute to see a movie since we were parked near the theater. Nothing else to do on a lazy Sunday. It was a good day.

And then Bonnie dropped me off, and asked if I needed her to stay so I wasn't lonely, but I said no.

I should have said yes, cause after she shut the door and her footsteps disappeared down the hall, everything was silent. And I felt....lonely. All I could think was that I couldn't wait until I would get to travel WITH Harry, instead of being left behind.

This was the last night, and Harry would be back tomorrow night. If I could just make it until then....

A few times, while I watched tv and when the tv was boring me, I watched some various Youtube videos on my phone, I'd find my hand had wandered down between my legs and would be just lightly massaging around down there. I didn't even realize I was doing it. The one time, my hand was UNDER my shorts. It felt great and all, but I just wanted to wait for Harry now. So I tore myself away from...myself.

I fell asleep on the couch, with my earphones on, listening to Harry's  music.

I woke later, and made some dinner and decided to bake something for when Harry gets back. He looooves deserts. He thinks they make him start to get fat. But he looks perfect to me. He's not too muscly and he's not flabby. He couldn't be more perfect, really.
I remember feeling some funny sort of feelings back when I touched his hands and arms that first time. I felt tingly everywhere. But I just thought it was from touching people. I thought that was normal. I think it was just from...him.

I had to stop thinking about Harry. It was making me miss him horribly. More horribly than I already did.

I baked him his favorite flavor of cupcakes, then watched some more mindless tv, then moved to the bedroom for bed.

The next morning, I wandered out and put on the tv just to have some sound in the room to keep me company, and while I ate my breakfast, I heard "Harry Styles" being mentioned on the tv.

I ran in, and noticed the tv was on the Palladia channel. There was a special about him starting!

So I got the rest of my food, and brought it in to watch on the couch and eat.

I was soooo excited. I loved seeing Harry on tv.

Later, I took a walk, visited Martin at the home's kitchen, because he was finally back to work from vacation. I took him a few cupcakes for him and his family, and I helped him prepare the home's dinner, to pass the time and hang out.

I got so into cooking and hanging with Martin, that I was suprised when my phone rang.

It was Harry! Yesssss!

He asked me where I was, because he happened to know that there's some curly headed guy in my apartment, putting his own stinky laundry in my washer.

He cracked me up!!

Martin could tell I was anxious to go, so he told me to scram. And I did.

I half walked fast, half jogged back to my place, I wanted to see Harry so badly.

By the time I burst in the door of my apartment, I saw Harry standing in the kitchen with his mouth full of cupcake, looking busted.

"Hey! You there! Curly headed guy! How DARE you eat my cupcakes! They were for my BOYFRIEND!!!!!" I teased him.

He laughed, and crumbs were shooting out of his stuffed mouth. I laughed at him being a total slob, and he laughed at being embarassed at being a total slob.

And then I ran to him and hugged him tight. I didn't care if there were crumbs falling down my back. I didn't care if he was still struggling to finish the huge chunk of cupcake in his mouth.

Harry was back. And he was in my arms. And I was in his.


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