I told her we had the whole day until 4pm. That seemed to suit her just fine.

She went to her closet and grabbed a pink hoodie and pulled it on. "Would you like to walk around?"

"I'd love to", I said, standing up and following her out of her room.

Passing Tammi, I glanced from the corner of my eye, and sure enough, she was watching us go by. Dirty look and all.

We headed to the park. Janel showed me the spot she used to sit with Greg. She said it was more private and less distracting there. We both sat on the small boulders that were next to each other. She told me Greg moved them there for them to sit and talk. I started wondering about this Greg guy as she told me a little more about him. Why did he suddenly leave her? What would possibly make him just up and leave, and never come back...never tell Janel goodbye....break her heart like that? The only conclusion I could come to is that maybe he thought they'd have s.ex, and it wasn't looking like it'd happen, so he bailed. Or...he's just an as.shole. Either way, I was secretly glad he left her to me.

I was sad that she had to go through another abandonment, but glad she was free for me to spend time with her now.

"Harry?" Janel asked quietly.

"Yeah?" I answered.

"I would like to try something. Would that be ok?" Janel asked.

"Of course. Sure! What would you like to try?", I was intrigued. What could she possibly want to try?

"I wanted to try touching your hand. Unless you don't want to. I just feel comfortable with you, and I would love to feel your people...your Harry heat. And....lots of people in the park touch hands...." she explained warily.

I was shocked. But delighted. She wanted to do her OWN therapy? With me! This was great!

"Of course, Janel! I'd love for you try it with me. Just tell me exactly what you want me to do. I promise, I won't do anything you don't want me to."

"I guess you just have to sit still, and put your hand out. Just stay still. Don't move your hand. No matter what. Don't move at all. Be like a statue. Please? Ok?" she ordered me.

I looked her in the eyes, and nodded, then I put my hand out, took a breath, and froze myself as best as possible. I was nervous! But so excited. Maybe I would be able to reach out and take her hand sometime soon? She was trying. This was awesome. I just hope it went well.

"Remember, it only hurts when bad people touch you. When people care about you, like I care about you Janel, touch feels WONDERFUL. I promise. There will be absolutely NO pain.", I said, before deciding to shut up before I made her think too much about it and wimp out.

"Go ahead. I promise I won't move a muscle."

She looked down at my hand for a while. Studied it. Looked up at me a few times and back down at my hand. She lifted her left hand a few times, but kept hesitating and putting it back down.

I had my palm facing up, thinking that would look more inviting and less threatening to her.

She lifted her hand up again, and got closer to my own this time. The anticipation was killing me!!!!

She put out her pointer finger and moved it towards my hand closer and closer. I noticed her breathing was starting to be heavier and faster. This must be really scary for her. I felt horrible for what people had done to this innocent girl. I just wanted to put my arms around her, and protect her and show her how great physical contact could really be. Her anxiety was making me so sad for her.

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