Collapsing Emotions

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(y/n) - Your name
(e/c) - Eye color
(y/s) - Your State
(h/c) - Hair color
(Him/Her) - *Depends on your gender* Him or her

Silence. Silence. Silence.

You were frozen. The golden statue body melted into a normal being, slowly crashing down into a pile of baffled squealing people.

"What happened?" One asked.

"Where are we?!" Another cried out.

You turned to see Dipper wrap his warm long arms around, you looking beat up but he continued to hug you until you hugged back.

"Are you alright?" Dipper asked a deep concern in his voice.


"Bill turned you into a statue along with Uncle Ford. We're here to save Gravity Falls and the people." He explained then narrowed his eyes backing up to his twin sister, Mabel who pointed her grappling hook at your chest.

"Are you still with Bill? or are you going to help us." Mabel declared looking quite serious. You stared, helpless you stood. Your enemies armed against you or at least what you could think were enemies. You looked out the hole in the wall seeing Bill fighting against the town. 

Bill Cipher

He did this, You turned to see fear in everyone's eyes.

He created this new world, gazing up you knew a new thought had come toy our mind.

I miss my home.  You thought sadly and buried your face into your hands feeling heat radiate from your skin when you sobbed thick strands of tears. It continued to run down your face until two pairs of arms wrapped around your shoulders. You snapped up with (e/c) eyes wide and glazed over with tears. Your mother and your father were the ones who had been hugging you. Your sobs eased when you leaned into them for once feeling comforted.

"Do what's right." Your father whispered into your ear with a smile.

"Follow your heart." Your mother added onto his sentence when you breathed out raggedly.

"I can't, I don't know what to do or think or feel. I miss home." You hissed voice cracking. It sucked feeling so sappy and baby like. With a demon who's in love with you and your somewhat in love with him, it isn't the best time to be crying and holding your parent's hands to guide you. Your mother pushed some (h/c) hair from your face, sympathy in her eyes while she took a glance at the forming circle of people behind them.

"You miss (y/s)?" Your dad finally asked in confusion making you shake your head vigorously, heart aching.

"NO!" You protested. "Sorry, I just, I miss abnormal but normal Gravity Falls." You sighed. No townsfolk were here any longer leaving.

Dipper, Mabel, Stanley, Soos, Wendy, Stanford, a goth looking boy with a heart on his gray sweatshirt and stitches between, a girl with blonde hair almost Mabel's age with a llama sweater that kinda looked familiar and a young boy than an old man that took the name Old Man Mcgucket. It seemed...the same but of what. Your mother broke through your thoughts looking over at her.

"Best leave before we're in any more weirdness than before." she said briskly and rubbed some dirt off your cheek.

"It'll be over soon I promise."

"No! (y/n) can't leave! We need (Her/Him)!!" Dipper and Uncle Ford yelled in unison after a slight argument that had broken up the circle. A crash sounded from behind with some yelps as well. The mystery shack had tumbled to the ground like a wrecking ball crashing into a building letting debris fly up into the sky. The large demon laughed in what he thought was humorous. Bill made his way inside and snapped his finger.

"You know you need the missing puny person for this prophecy thing to work right?"

You appeared in his hand being gripped tightly, making it hard to breathe properly. You squirmed uneasily.

"My queen, However did you get out of your cage?" He demanded and turned to see his massive tower of people gone.

"Oh well, we can have fun now I guess. Time to kill all of you!" He chuckled starting up his other hand in red flames. His one eye like a casino machine going through patterns of different signs. It hit you like a train, an image of the journal with the circle and signs appeared in your mind in the middle it showed not only Bill Cipher but his demon like eye.

That eye was the key. What a trick Bill played you into but what a dumb demon he was.

He knew, that you were the key.

He played himself into it too by lending you his demon-like powers.  


~Will Bill really kill everyone?~

~Will you find a way to stop him in time?~

~Why are YOU the key?~


 (Author's Note: Hello Readers! I hope you loved this Fanfiction because Part 10 is the last of the fanfiction! I know! nuhhh ;v; but I had an amazing time writing this so I hope you all enjoyed it!)

How did you like this part? Comment your thoughts below! If you can't wait for the next part move forward!   

The Demon Inside |Bill Cipher X Reader|Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora