Chapter 11

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The Quidditch match between Gryffindor and Hufflepuff. I'm so exited for my first game of watching of course.

I wouldn't get on a broom even if you payed me. I hate flying which is ironic since I can fly at will.

I get to the stands with Hermonie and Ron and I look up and see it's going to rain. "Well this is going to stink" said Ron feeling droplets.

I laughed "for you two" I said smirking. "I won't get wet" Ron rolled his eyes at me.

"Well some of us aren't so lucky" he said "Hermonie did you bring an umbrella?"

She nods "of course I did Ronald." I smile I love how she calls him Ronald. They so like each other and are so oblivious to the fact.

I look down at the field it's already wet with rain and I see Gryffindor and Hufflepuff take their positions. Except for the captains who shake hands.

Then the quaffle is released into the air and our Chasers get it first. I see Harry scouting the field for the snitch.

The next thing I know I hear lightning coming from the sky. "Do they ever cancel a game?" Hermonie shakes her head.

"They're already started it doesn't end till they catch the snitch." I nod and look at the pitch I see a gold ball flying at full speed.

I want to scream at him that the snitch is right there but I know not to for that would be a foul so I thought it to him.

Yes I know I'll blow my cover but I'm good at lying I can't make something up.

Harry by the professors tent the snitch get it!


I don't answer but sure enough he sees the snitch and goes after it. The clouds are getting darker and rainier. Lightning is coming down very hard.

The snitch shoots up to the sky Harry flys after it so does the Hufflepuff seeker. They go up into the clouds and we don't know what's happening.

That's when it gets cold. Very cold all the happiness was drained from my body. Deamentors.

How are they here? Harry what if he's being attacked. I see the Hufflepuff seeker come crashing down from lightning. "Oh that's going to hurt." I say to Ron.

The next thing I know deamentors were swirling around one came at me the last thing I heard was a woman scream and saw Harry come falling down.


I wake up in a hospital bed in the infirmary. I look to my right and Harry's there unconscious and the team is surrounding him.

"Is he all right?" I ask sitting up quickly and regretting it from the pain in my head.

"Sara you okay?" Asked Hermonie worriedly. "Yeah I'm fine is okay?" I ask.

"I don't know" says Ron "what do you think he'll think of how he looks" says Fred jokingly trying to lighten the mood.

"I bet a lot better than you I reckon" says Harry smiling. He looked groggy and put on his glasses.

"What happened?" He asked "the deamentors knocked you off your broom Harry" said Ron.

"No I mean the match who won?" He asks. I mentally roll my eyes boys and their Quidditch.

"No one blames you Harry the deamentors aren't supposed to come on to school grounds" says Hermonie quickly.

"Dumbledore was furious and after saved you and Sara sent them away." He looked to me as if just realizing I was in a hospital bed too.

"They got you too?" He asks I shrug "yes" he looks to Hermonie curiously "why do they only attack us?"

Hermonie shrugged her shoulders for she didn't know. "One more thing mate" said Ron painfully.

"When you fell off your broom in ended up in the whomping willow and..." He lifted up a blanket that had the remains of his nimbus 2000.

Harry looked shocked and upset "is there any way to fix it?" He asks. Ron shakes his head "I'm sorry mate"

Just then madam pompfrey came in looking furious "everyone out they need to rest after being attacked by deamentors"

She pushed everyone out and came back to us. "Here" she hands us chocolate "eat this and rest" I take a bite of mine.

When she's gone I look to Harry. "Well this will be fun." I say sarcastically. He laughs "hey Sara"

"Yes" I say finishing my chocolate "I swear I've heard your voice in my head more than once like your thinking something and I can hear it"

I try to look very surprised "how so?" I ask remaining poker faced. "Well" he says "during the match I swear I heard you think to me that the snitch is by Dumbledores tent. And sure enough it was"

I shrug "honestly Harry you're probably imagining it" I say "I don't even have good eye sight I wouldn't be able to find the snitch it's probably just your imagination"

He nods and takes his glasses off and closes his eyes. "Should get some rest" he says.

"Right" I say back and close my eyes. I try to fall asleep but I don't. That was stupid Sara! I think to myself but blocking Harry out of my head.

Why did you have to do that? Now everyone is going to figure it out. Dumbledore was right it is to dangerous to have me at Hogwarts.

Maybe I should just leave. But I can't. I say to myself. I just got him back and I'm not losing him ever again.

Emily-aw that was sweet

Sara-attacked by deamentors really?

Harry-yeah my head hurts like bloody hell.

Ron-that's my catchphrase!

Hermonie-oh please Ron shut up

Ron-no! Why do you always have to *starts arguing with hermonie*

Hermonie-*argues back*

Harry/Sara-when will it end?!

Draco-my God Granger Weasly stop it!


Harry-what so funny?

Emily-oh nothing...just that they're going to end up together!

Ron/Hermonie- *stops* WHAT?!

Ron-you're evil!

Hermonie-entirely evil!

Emily-I didn't create that story line J.k. Rowling did

Hermonie-*gags* speaking fog we are all owned by j.k. Rowling

Sara-except me Emily owns me

Harry-please comment

Sara-and vote

Ron-why are we owned again?

Draco-yeah I don't like that it's like slavery

Ron-you have a house elf

Draco-had a house elf*glares at Harry*

Emily-alright goodbye everyone out

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