Chapter 5

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"James I don't think that's smart." Says Lupin holding Harry while Sara's on the ground playing with a toy horse.

"What?" Said James "if your dad turned into a stag wouldn't you want to ride on his back?"

"James will you ever grow up?" Asked Lupin "only when I make him." Says lily walking into the room.

"Hello lily flower." Said James "hello deer boy." She said kissing his cheek. "Oh Remus Jen said she'll be at the three broomsticks at 5:00 and to meet her there." Said Lily walking over to pick up Sara.

"Right I better get going." Said Lupin giving Harry to James. "You like her a lot don't you?" Said Lily.

"He's over the moon." Said James smirking. Lupin punches him in the arm playfully.

Memory over

Woah thought Sara I got to get better at not having those in public. "Hello class I'm professor Lupin." Says Lupin.

"Now please follow me over here." We walked over to a wardrobe that was shaking to much.

"Can anyone tell me what's in here?" Said Lupin. "That's a boggart that is." Said Dean.

"Good now can anyone tell me what a boggart looks like?" He asked. "No one knows." Said Hermonie who magically appeared in the class.

"When did she get here?" Said Ron confused again. "A boggart takes the appearance of whatever that one person fears the most that's why their so."

She was cut off by Lupin. "So terrifying now there is a spell to ward off a boggart no wands please now repeat after me Ridikulus."

"Ridikulus" we said. "Good now Neville will you come up here please." He asked.

Neville slowly walked up to the front. "Now Neville what scares you the most?" Asked Lupin.

"Professor Snape." Neville said embarrassed. We all chuckled. "Alright Neville you live with your grandmother yes?" He asked

"Yes but I don't want it to turn into her either." Neville said quickly. Lupin chucked. "No no Neville what I want you to do is." He whispered into Neville's ear.

"Do you think you can do that?" He asked. Neville nodded. "Okay Neville wand at the ready in 3 2 1."

He opened the door and out came professor Snape looking evil as ever. "Alright Neville now!" Shouted Lupin.

"Ridikulus." Said Neville. Then Snape was wearing old lady clothes. Everyone in the classroom laughed.

"Okay everyone form a line now I want you to take your fear and turn it into something funny."

And down the line everyone went mostly snakes and lions and stuff like that.

Then it was Ron's turn. His turned into a giant spider which I thought looked cute not scary.

"Ridikulus!" He shouted. Then the spider had roll at skates on. The. It was Hermonies turn.

Her boggart was scary. McGonagall was telling her that she failed her classes and she was expelled.

"Ridikulus" said Hermonie. Then it turned into balloons. Next it was my turn.

Wait I thought what is my fear I mean is it going to be me wearing an I'm Sara potter tee shirt.

Oh well there's always the memory wipe charm. I got my wand at the ready then the boggart turned it was taking forever looking through all my fears.

Finally it turned into a star. Just a plain old star that looked like the one on my wrist.

I breathed "Ridikulus!" I shouted. The star turned into a zebra a/n don't ask why zebra just came into my brain. Weird I thought finally it was Harry's turn.

His boggart turned into a deamentor. Lupin stepped in front of him and the boggart changed into a moon.

Why a moon I thought. And then Lupin sent the boggart into the cabinet. "That's all for today class study for a quiz on Monday on boggarts."

We all walked out of the class. "Why wouldn't he let me do the charm?" Asked Harry.

"Harry deamentors are evil creatures even as a boggart they could be dangerous." I said.

"Wait Sara." Said Ron. "Why are you scared of stars?" Hermonie looked at me skeptically.

"Sara in divination professor Trewlany said your tea leafs took the shape of a star. Do you believe that stuff she was saying because you don't have to be scared of stars."

"No it's not because of divination. I actually thought divination was stupid until." I stopped.

"Until what?" Asked Harry. "She read my cup." I said. "It's complicated lets just say what she said about my life is kind of truth. And it's not a coincidence my tea leafs is a star."

Hermonie was going to ask me something but then decided to drop it. "Well it's been a long first day." I said.

"What do you want to do?" I asked. "Want to go to the library." Asked Hermonie.

"You know I do but I got to do that essay." I said. "Want to work on it in the common room?" I asked.

"Sure." Said Hermonie. "Can you do my essay for me Sara?" Asked Ron. "You wish." I said.

When the four of us get to the common room I see an owl fly in the window and drop a note on me.

"What's this?" I ask. "My parents said they probably couldn't send any letters."

I open it up and there's just a little note in there. It says

If I had a galleon for every time I thought about you I'd only have a galleon because you never leave my thoughts

Secret lover

"What the heck?" I say. Hermonie looks over my shoulder and reads it. "Well looks like somebody likes you Sara." She says

"Why would someone like me?" I ask. "Why wouldn't they you're really pretty Sara." Said Ron.

I never thought of myself as pretty. Not that I thought I was ugly but my parents are like hot. Hot scientists.

I playfully hit Rons arm. "Gross." I say. He puts his hands in the air to surrender.

Who's this secret lover guy and why is it getting so hard to keep secrets. Maybe this is why Dumbledore kept me away.

So it wouldn't be hard on me. But I'm glad I'm here I have my brother. For now anyway.

I don't have the heart to tell Harry that Sirius Black betrayed us. And that's he's our godfather.

The only reason I know is because of my memory. That makes me a little angry.

Maybe I want him to find me. Maybe if he finds me I can.. I can kill him.

Sara- woah I'm evil

Harry- why has it taken so long to update

Emily- I'm really sorry I now know how I want this to play out so I'll update more

Hermonie- we are all owned by j.k Rowling

Ron- except for Sara

Sara- hey that's my line

Draco- vote and comment

Harry- Sirius blacks my godfather!

Sirius- sup

Emily- thanks for reading

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