Wolf-Napped By My Mates (24)

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Yay i found internet for awhile!!



~Sage's POV~

I jumped in front of Rick to stop him from killing Layla's love.

I know just let him kill that bitch but i wasnt that mean. I jumped just as he pounced claws held up high ready to slash down. Not being able to stop himself in time his claws came down on my side cutting in deep. Rick shifted back into his human form clutching his now bloody side just like i was. The purple and black blue bruises all over his sides caught my eye.

Did he possibly get those when i was getting kicked by his older brother.

"Nene." Caleb's little voice called out from the woods just as soon as his little form came running out the woods to me along with Sunny.

They both were panicked as they saw the blood slid down my sides to my pants. I mean like i hurt but not really but for Rick in the other hand it looked like a bitch since he was now on his back laying down.

"Im ok, im ok." I reassured them both before turning around to face to Layla and her human that i know who has accepted her. "If you were going to do somthing as usless as this might have as well left him."

Layla looked away in shame, eyes full of regret.

"You cant regret and undo what you done already Layla." I say to her.

"You cant tell me what to do! Plus im still Luna of this pack." She said and her lover looked heart broken.

"No your not anymore." Growled Rick. "Get out of my house, whore."

"How dare you!" She slapped him across the face and i didnt stop her from doing so.

I was kind of rooting for her to do more to him that i wasnt able to bring myself to do.

"How dare you lie to me!" He roared backhanded her. She flew towards me and i caught her knowing she was pregnant with this humans child. I mean i would have drop her or let her hit the tree or something but she was pregnant. "All i ever did was love you! And this is what you do to me! Betray me by sleeping with another male and human for that fact! And also Having his disgusting child inside of you!"

I dropped Layla onto her ass and she shoot me a glare but i just grinned back at her.

"of course i have his child because i cant fucking bare you one! I, a siren are only able to bare a male human child if they accept us for who we are! We cant bare a child of any other supernatural being." She yelled at him rubbing her belly. "Just like this whore has said."

Oh hell no she just did not call me whore.

I grabbed her and pinned her against the nearest tree.

"Beware of who you speak to i might just cut out your baby and kill you." I tell her and her eyes widen in fear. "The smell of you fear tastes delicious."

Of course i wouldnt cut out her baby. That just murderering someone.

Wait what am i talking about i do muderer people? No duhh.

Peoples not babies.

"Get the hell away from her!" the human said, pushing me away from her and i let him do so. Sunny and Caleb came to my side either grabbing my arm or clutching my clothes.

Wolf-Napped By My Mates (EDITING)- On HoldDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora